Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Misoa Goreng/Fried Somen

Somen, white Japanese noodles made from wheat flour, are very thin and round. Often served not only cold or chilled with ice, but also added to soups. It´s called Misoa in Indonesia. Thanks to Dewi Nanang who has introduced me to this Misoa Goreng.

Package of somen noodles

Ingredients: 360 g Japanese Style noodles
1 onion, finely sliced

3 garlics, chopped

1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon ground white pepper
250 g minced beef or chicken
200 g string beans, cut into small pieces
2 carrots, cut into small pieces
salt,as desired

450 ml water
4 tablespoons cooking oil
2 eggs,
Cooking oil for frying
directions: saute onion and garlic until fragrant. Add minced beef and stir constantly until the beef has changed its colour. Add carrots, string beans and spices. Break somen noodles into about 3 cm long and place with the beef and vegetables mixture together. Pour amount of water. Turn the heat to the lower temperature, mix well until the noodles tender not soft and all of water absorbed by somen noodles. Move them from the heat. Place the noodles mixture into a pyrex. Let it cool in the refrigerator for a couple hours. When the noodles become solid then cut them into parts. Dip in the beated eggs and fry in the medium hot oil.


  1. mantafff mbak misoa gorengnya, nyicip mbak heheeh...

  2. to Isha: boleh..boleh...silahkan :))

  3. This looks really tasty! What a way to cook and eat this noodle, double the work, but I bet it's super delicious! Can I have some please? :D

  4. Very interesting, looks healthful and yummy.

  5. to little corner of mine: Of course, you can pick some :))
    to kelly: Yuups, It would be healthier without fry the noodles in the deep fryer but the yummy tasty gone...:)

  6. Retno, this looks a bit like a dish that the Italian cook their leftover pasta. Just mix the pasta with some parmesan cheese and eggs and pan fried. I think yours look more interesting. Can I use normal noodles for this dish?

  7. to fitta: silahkan dicicipi gambarnya Fit :))
    to i cook4fun: you may try it with normal noodles but different taste.

  8. Waaah Ret, ini ide bagus juga ya buat santapan piknik, kayaknya cukup juga buat ngganjal perut! Yang penting mengenyangkan.

  9. t0 Vie: Iya vie, enak serasa makan tahu misoa koq jadi tahu isi ya..tapi rasanya jadi mirip2 tahu gitu :))

  10. Oo... misoa=somen yak?!
    Hahaha... 3 thn di Jepang, baru tahu kalo itu misoa setelah baca postingan ini. Hahahaa... kuper banget yah?! What a pitty :D

  11. to andaliman/Pepy: he..he, maunya sih tukeran, apa daya jauhhhh!.
    to Shinta: Lha, aku juga baru tau koq dari mas googgle.

  12. Mau mba..mauuu..jajanan favorit waktu SMP nih..jd pgn bikin bikin mba..makasi ya Mba:-)

  13. adrieanne: iya ne, enak..hayukk bikin. Aku malah baru disini di ajari cara bikinnya ama temenku.

  14. mbak...
    misoa nya bisa diganti pake bihun gak (vermicelli)?
