Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Odading Pisang/Fried banana bread & Meme: Five Things

Just simple snacks to accompany our afternoon tea. When I was in Bandung, West Java, I used to buy Odading from a travelling vendor. Here, I get sudden craving for this snacks and have to make it by my self ^_^. I added some sliced bananas into batters.

3 bananas, sliced ( 0,5 cm thick)
250 g self raising flour
100 ml milk

100 ml water
1 tablespoon vanilie sugar
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt

cooking oil for frying

directions: sift flour into a bowl. Gradually add milk and water, mixing to a smooth batter. Add sugar, salt and sliced bananas, stir constantly until mix well. Heat oil in a deep frying pan. Spoon approximately 1 tablespoon of mixture, drop into deep hot oil. Fry until golden brown.


Now... back to my homework. I´ve been tagged by Ching, little corner of mine to do 5 things meme and Long Meme.

A. Found in my room
1. a desk lamp

2. some books
3. a digital alarm clock
4. a bed
5. a Flower painting
B. I have always wanted to do

1. visit interesting or historical places
2. learn more about cooking, baking and decorating
3. a good mother and wife
4. try other cuisines
5. write a book

C. Found in my bag
1. Ballpoint
2. mobile phone
3. keys
4.Victorinox mini tool kit

5. a comb
D. Found in my wallet/purse
1. cash
2. coins
3. health insurance card
4. HVV card
5. Name cards
E. I am currently into

1. blogging
2. typing
3. drink a cup of tea
4. enyoy the cakes that my friend gave me
5. cooking for dinner

Finally I´ve done it!. Upppsss....I still have another homework to do Long Meme. Hmmm... I bet you don´t want to know. So I decided to answer only the question number 37: Why did you answer and post this?
Because you are a good friend Ching!.
Candidates to tag : I choose you all my dear frien
d. He..he, just kidding. I won´t pass it to you. Please enjoy my fried banana bread!


  1. Kangen Bogor Euy... Odading...
    Kalo di jatim, nyebutnya roti goreng

  2. Ohh baru tau nih namanya Odading, padahal pernah setahun di Bandung.
    Jadi ini roti goreng isi pisang.
    Suka banget..aku seringnya buat tanpa pisang, lain kali pake pisang ach. TFS lhooo

  3. I remember trying this before! Very nice!

  4. yum.. i wouldn't mind popping one in my mouth right now.

  5. Andaliman: sebetulnya bikin ini nggak sengaja, tadinya mo bikin pisang goreng, eh...tepungnya pake self raising flour jadilah mblenduk kayak roti..he..he, temen2 bilang eh ada odading.
    resto mariena: Iya, emang kalo yg dijual nggak pake pisang, lha wong tadi asalnya mo bikin pisang goreng,he..hi.
    anh: you may try again anh^_^
    daphne: I you sure, only one?

  6. Hi Retno is odading = kue bantal?,looks so yumm.

  7. Probably similar, the roti goreng/odading shape should look like bantal.

  8. Ada yang bilang odading ini sebetulnya berasal dari bahasa Belanda. Ceritanya, suatu ketika ada seorang anak Belanda minta dibelikan kue yang dijajakan anak kampung. Karena tidak tau nama dagangan yang dijajakan sang Ibu lalu memanggil penjual kue keliling itu, dan menyuruhnya membuka daun pisang yang menutupi dagangan-nya. Begitu melihat camilan yang dijajakan itu, Ibu Belanda tadi berkata kepada anaknya, "O, dat ding"? artinya "O, barang itu?"...hehehe...ada2 saja ya!

    Mbak Retno, pisau Victorinox yang suka dibawa-bawa bukan untuk nakut2in orang kan??? :)

  9. Elyani: he..he, ada-ada saja, vixtorinoxnya ada gunting miniiii banget, praktis lah buat buka bekel klo lagi jalan2..klo buat nakutin orang mah..nggak cukup, lha wong cuman 3 cm panjangnya ^_^.

  10. Your fried banana bread looks delish! I like fried bread. :) And thanks for completing this meme and the sweet note! :)

  11. Retno, dingin2 gini makan ini pisang goreng sambil minum kopi susu wuahh nikmat.

  12. aduhhh mbak jadi kangen euy..klo di palembang aku bilangnya Godo-godo...tapi bukan roti sih hehhe..cuma mirip klo liatnya

  13. little corner of mine: my pleasure.
    dwiana: Iya dwi, ayo dicicipi sama2 sambil minum kopi susu ^_^
    rita bellnad: ahh...masih belum secanggih Rita motretnya. Foto2nya Rita tuh keren-keren.
    fitta: Ini juga bikinnya nggak sengaja fit, cuman setelah di goreng koq kayak roti, ngembang gitu...karena pake self raising flour, resep odading benerannya malah aku belum pernah coba, he..he.

  14. Loved the meme. And love the fried banana too. Who can resisit them
