Kue Lapis is traditionally cake consisting of alternating layers which is steamed separately. It takes about ten minutes for each layer to be steamed, making of a kue lapis time consuming process. You can count how long I need to cook this Kue lapis ^_^
1 l (1000 ml) coconut milk
400 g tapioca flour
100 g rice flour
400 g castor sugar
1 tbsp vanilli
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp pandan paste (or any food colour which you like: red, brown etc)
directions: Put sugar, flour, vanili, salt in a mixing bowl, then pour in coconut milk gradually until all together mix well. Divide the batter into two. Add pandan paste to a half of batter and mix well. Grease a (20x20)cm pan with a bit cooking oil. Take one vegetable spoon of batter or about 100 ml batter into pan then steam for 10 minutes in a steamer. Pour another colour of batter and steamed it again for 10 minutes. Repeat this similar step until the batter is used up.
mau dong kue lapis-nya.... Kirim ke Tsukuba ya?! 'D
ReplyDeleteAhh..shinta bisa aja, khan udah bisa bikin sendiri ^_^
ReplyDeleteSo beautiful and look delicious :)
ReplyDeleteI used to eat so much of this when I was little...only kue lapis in Malaysia is usually pink ;-)
ReplyDeleteditunggu sambungannya Mbak, aku pengen nyontek :D
ReplyDeleteMba Retnoooo....
ReplyDeleteApakabar? waaa kangennya...terutama ama masakan, Mba...hehe
Ini dah balik ya dari 'sana' ya, Mba...semoga hajinya benar2 mabrur...amin :-)
Kapan pulang ke Indo, Mba? ntar mampir-mampir yah ke Balikpapan.... ;-)
PS. MBa boleh yah, nyontek resepnya...hehe
I simply love this lapis cake! I know how long you have to steam it layer by layer, that's why I have yet to make it again after my 1st attempt. I just simply too lazy to wait that long, and another 8 hours before we can cut and serve it....man! But so good though, guess have to see how strong is my craving for this cake huh?
ReplyDeleteDuhh cantik banget nih ...pasti lama banget buat nya. Menderita langsung deh, dach kepingin makan lapis tp ngak ada yg jual n mau buat sendiri pun dah nyerah duluan :(
ReplyDeletewaduh, bu haji ini baru pulang udah bikin kue lapis.
ReplyDeletega cape, neh? hehehe
everything4sweet: Thanks
ReplyDeletewokandspoon: The colour can be changed whatever you like :).I used to buy kue lapis with that colour too, sometimes not only pink but also red, brown.
sefa: Nah udah ada sambungannya tuh, ditunggu hasilnya ya ^_^
dewi: Wiiiiii...kangennn,phakabar di Balikpapan, thanks ya. Kapan nih ditunggu undangannya ya..nanti summer kah??
Little corner of mine: Oh..you can pick some slices, he..he. 8 hours??, are you sure? I need only about 1 1/2 hour.
andaliman: Ahh..malu nih sama Pepy yg jago masak, thanks ya.
resto mariena: yo wis cicip aja deh gambarnya :)).
deetha: waduh det...bukannya rajin itu hasil masak tahun lalu..he..he!
In Singapore, we called it "nine-layer cake". Our kueh lapis is the cake version and not the "kueh" version. Oops, am I confusing you ?
ReplyDeletepermisi yah bu mau ku contek nih resepnya. habis bikin ngiler.