Tuesday, February 12, 2008

MFM#12: Raisin Cheese Cake

My entry for MFM#12, hosted by Yeni´s Family. This is my baked version of cheese cake, you can see my unbaked version here. I´m rather proud for this cake. Looks not so good but Mas and Bapaknya couldn´t stop to pick more slices ^_^.

100 g all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder

200 g castor sugar
6 egg yolks, 125 g butter, melted
200 g cream cheese
250 g Quark
100 g raisins
2 tablespoons the juice of a lemon or lime

directions: Set the oven at 180°C. Line the base of a spring form of 26 cm in diameter with a piece of baking paper. Mix egg yolks and castor sugar in a food mixer. Gently mix in Quark and cream cheese and juice of lime. Sift flour and baking powder together and fold them into the mixture. Add melted butter, then raisins. Make sure it´s evently distributed and mixed. Pour in the mixture into the spring form and bake for about 45 minutes.


  1. Mauuuuuuuu.....belum telat kan..qiqiqiqiq...apa udah keabisan mbak ..? mantafff...

  2. mbak Retno, kalo Quark ga dipake rasanya kira-kira aneh ga ya?? atau ada bahan pengganti ga ya??

  3. elsye: Dahh..habis, wong anakku yg kecil nggak kebagian dah diabisin sama bapak dan masnya.
    shinta: mungkin bisa pake cream cheese untuk gantinya Quark (curd cheese/fresh cheese)atau sour cream.

  4. It indeed looks delicious.
    If i was there i would also be grabbing a piece

  5. ooooo.... love the look of that!

  6. Your baked cheese cake really looks yummy.

  7. I think it looks good, and I want a slice too! :)

  8. ngeces deh, dari fotonya saja sudah terlihat enaaak

  9. daphne: thanks
    little corner of mine: yes, it´s yummy. Have try!
    east meets west kitchen: Ahhh..too late. Now, just enjoy the picture :))
    Chenmarlin: Makasih ya. Hayukk bikin biar nggak ngences, he..he.

  10. mbak baru tau mbak retno punya multiply.... jadi bisa diganti ma sour cream ya mbak... i luv sour cream

  11. rita bellnad: Iya Rit, baru buka cabang baru kedai hamburg maya, di MP. Cerita awalnya...ada yg nyomot fotoku tanpa ijin dipasang di MPnya.

  12. Mbak Retnoooooooo..apa kabar? kangen !!! sekarang dah mulai sembuhan.
    Apalagi kalo di kasih sepotong cheese cake raisin ini, bisa langsung sembuh total, heeee. Kapan2 nyontek ya Mbak..suami ku suka bgt ama cheesecake. TFS yaaa

  13. resto mariena: phakabar Mar? moga dah sehat ya. Iya aku bikin ini cepet banget abisnya.

  14. Duh duh ga kuat banget liatnya..pengenn bangettt..

  15. Andrieanne: Mau Ne? hari ini aku bikin lagi. Karena waktu bikin yg ini si Dedek nggak kebagian :))
