Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tekwan/Fish Soup


My mother often cooks Tekwan, a fish soup made from fish paste and tapioca flour, for family and relatives. She uses always fresh Tenggiri fish/Mackerel to make Tekwan, served with vermicelli/rice noodles, shrimps, dried Lilies, dried black mushroom and Bengkuang/Jicama/ Yam Bean (Pachyrhizus erosus). I couldn´t follow exactly like her recipe because I used frozen fish and different type of mackerel fish. Bengkuang/jicama is rarely available here in Asia stores.

for fish balls (not really look like balls):
500 g pangasius fillets, minced
400 g spanish mackerel (remove all skin & bones), minced
100 g tapioca flour
50 ml water
3 white eggs
salt to taste

for the prawn stock:
300 g whole raw tiger prawns, remove the heads and shells from the prawns (boil with 1 l water) and cut the prawns
2 l water
8 garlic cloves, sliced, fried then grinded
salt and ground white pepper to taste

to serve:
25 g dried black mushroom (Auricularia Auricula Judae), soak in hot water then drain
50 g bunga sedap malam/dried Lilies flower, soak in hot water then drain
2 tbsp chopped celery

for the fish balls: mix the ingredients in a food processor or just stir with a fork and make sure all ingredients mixed well. Boil 2 litres water in a large saucepan, reduce heat. Spoon about a half tablespoon of mixture, form balls by using two tablespoons. Pour the fish mixture spoon by spoon into water.
for the prawn stock: boil 1 litre water together with the heads and shells of prawns. Sift the prawn stock then discard the heads and shells of the prawns. Pour the prawn stock into fish balls soup. Add prawns, garlics. Seasoning with salt and pepper. Keep them simmer for a while then add mushrooms and dried lilies flower.
Serve immediately with rice noodles, chopped celeries and sambal Chillies.
P.S: my dear friend Mutiara, those are two bowls that you gave me at the Hamburg Airport last year. Thank you.


  1. duh mBa, menggiurkan bener tekwannya.. slurp

  2. Mbak Retno, fotonya bener2 jernih. Ini pasti motonya di luar ya? (sok tau banget deh..hehehe). Lightning-nya bagus, Mbak.

    Maap baru nongol. Seharian gak di depan kompi. Tadi pagi koneksi internet ngadat. Eeeehhh, gak taunya lagi ada perbaikan kabel DSL di daerahku. Pantes aja!!

    Eniwei, udah bisa kan gambarnya :) Sukses yaa.

  3. Ini kesukaanku tapi belum pernah posting. apalagi liat fotonya keren begini, tambah drooling..drooling!

  4. mindy: tinggal gambarnya doank yang bisa dinikmati, bikinnya dah bbrp minggu y.l..he..he.
    salt & turmeric, sefa : ^_^ :)
    sheila: Ini motretnya di dalam rumah didepan jendela yg dibuka lebar-lebar, sembari dilirik orang-orang yang lewat depan rumah..he..he. Thanks ya sheila.
    shinta: sama dong, ini biasanya yg bikin ibuku. Karena disini ikannya banyak jenisnya, jadi harus coba-coba takerannya yg pas.

  5. Salivating at your beautiful picture! Your fish soup looks delicious!

  6. Retno this new design looks AMAZING! I love all these big pictures and your Fish soup looks incredible. Can't wait for the recipe :)

  7. yaw...... minta semangkok mbak!!!

  8. anisa, Dwiana: ayoooo kesini ambil sendiri :)
    Little corner of mine, Lore: Thanks.

  9. wuaduh mbak, lama aku ga makan ini. eee lha kok teganya drimu memajangnya... bikin ngiler tnan iki...

  10. mbak beli bakso ikan toh kl males bikin dw :D
    syeger nih ketoke..dah lama ga bikin jadi pengen

  11. Must be very flavorful and the fish soup is such a comfort food to me :)

  12. Mbak... resep ini perlu di coba nih... sudah adegan basah-basah nih di kibot... ngiler

  13. What a wonderful looking soup with all those fresh flavours - yum!

    Rosie x

  14. deetha: iyo di pejeng ben detty ngiler..ho..ho.
    ayin: klo beli rasanya kurang manteb yin, uenak nggawe dewe.
    tigerfish: me too!
    rita bellnad: bisa aja rita ^_^
    rosie: Thank you fo the compliment

  15. huaaaaaa beli bunga sedap malam dimenong? sedih dot com.
