My grandmother´s recipe heritage has been used by three generation in our family: my grandma(nenek), my mother(ibu) and me :). This dish really bring me back to my childhood. I used to help her and my mother to make the fishballs. They made fishballs with feeling, without measurement so that I just know the basic recipe. Normally, Fishballs contain tapioca flour, white eggs to keep them firm. But she used only Ikan Tenggiri (in Indonesia, species called Tenggiri: Scomberomorus guttatus) or Spanish Mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson), coconut milk and spices.
Years a go, I tried to make it with fish paste (not spanish mackerel) that I bought in an Asia Markt. It turned out horribly. The fishballs broken , spreading and floating everywhere in the water :(. That was my first trial and error using another kind of fish. To get the best result, the choice of fish type is important. So, Please don´t blame me if this recipe doesn´t work with other kinds of fish :). Anyway, don´t throw it away you can still make fishballs for Tekwan (see the recipe here).
Hopefully, this entry is suitable for Original recipe, Culinarty round-up arranged by Lore.
Ingredients: for Homemade Fishballs, makes about 40

500 g ikan Tenggiri/spanish Mackerel (discard bones and skins), minced
4 tablespoons coconut milk
1-2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 shallots, grinded
1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper
salt to taste
directions: Store minced fish/fish paste in the freezer for about 1-2 hours. Then combine fish paste with other ingredients together until mix well. Balls the fish paste for about 1 teaspoon , smear both of your hands with cooking oil. Pour about 1,5 litre water in a large saucepan, boil the water. Place fishballs in the boil water then turn the heat down, keep simmering until the fishballs floating on the surface of water. Set aside.
for the Fishballs soup:
40 Homemade fishballs
4 carrots, cut into pieces
3 potatos, peel and cut into pieces
1,5 litre fish stock
2 cm ginger, bruised
4 shallots, finely sliced
3 cloves garlic, crushed
white ground pepper and salt to taste
1/6 tsp nutmeg
1 stalk celery or spring onion, chopped
3 tbsp cooking oil
directions: saute shallots and garlics until fragrant in a large saucepan. Pour in fish stock and ginger. Add fishballs, potatos, salt, nutmeg. Keep them simmer for a while. Finally, add carrots. Serve hot and garnish with chopped celery or spring onion.
Dear Retno, I love the colours of your soup. It's just like they are encapsulating the joy of childhood.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this heart-touching entry!
mBaaaaaaaaa... laperrr
ReplyDeletepengen nyoba resep bakso ikannya, tapi blom nemu tenggiri/spanish mackerel disini. aber so bald ich den hier bekomme, dicontek pastinya resepnya. danke
I love fish balls soup too and yours certainly look delicious! Unlike you though, I'm too lazy to make my own. :P
ReplyDeleteLore:my pleasure, Lore
ReplyDeletemindy: klo pake jenis ikan yang lain nggak janji deh..he..he, aku soale dah nyoba amburadul, tapi masih bisa buat dibikin tekwan koq :)
Little corner of mine: Thanks Ching. I takes time to make homemade fishballs :)
patut dicontek...hahaha....cuman aku suka kesusahan di sini nyari ikan mbak. Abis pake nama2 Arab gitu, bikin bingung. Sementara aku gak terlalu familiar dengan bentuk2 ikan. Akhirnya, mentok2 pake white fish fillet, model frozen fish gitu. Aku pake buat bikin pempek, enak juga sih. Cuman masih penasaran pengen pake ikan seger aja.
ReplyDeleteMbak Retnoo, jadi pake fish paste itu hasilnya beda ya? Kalo beli makarel biasa gimana mbak? Apa harus "spanish mackerel"? Kalo aku beli makarel yg seger itu mesti ke Perancis. Tapi gak pernah nemuin yg spanish mackerel. Mbak Retno belinya di mana ya?
ReplyDeleteNgomong2, ini alamatnya Toko Edi. Maaf banget baru bales sekarang:
Blok A LO. 1 BKS. 005, Pasar Mayestik. Telp: 081586478086, 081381963372, 081585784956
Itu nulisnya mesti nyontek kartu nama si Pak Edi...hehehe.
Waktu pertama kali ke sana, aku dianterin sama Widya Hidayat. Kedua kalinya, sendirian sama ibuku. Terpaksa harus nanya tukang gorengan, soalnya lupa letaknya :D.
Selamat borong loyang kue ya :)
photonya cantik, warnanya menarik, basonya ?, resepnya mau dicoba ah.
ReplyDeleteyg repot ngebersihin ikannya ya Ret, tapi tergiur deh liat masakanmu!
ReplyDeleteDita: Ini aku pake yang frozen spanish mackerel, klo yg mackerel yg biasa untuk sarden itu ada dijual fresh..tapi aromanya cukup kuat, jadi aku nggak pake yg ini.
ReplyDeleteSheila: aku belinya di toko Asia, klo yg mackerel biasa..aku blon pernah nyoba, takut agak amis aja.
chenmarlin: Moga2 sesuai selera ya.
eliza: bener, soale yang jenis ini nggak ada yang dijual cuman fillet aja, jadi musti bersiin sendiri deh
Enaknya Jeng Retno, maem bakso ikan di cuaca begini... apalagi kalo pedes! nyammi banget ...
ReplyDeleteDimasak Soup podo wae enak-e ya jeng? seng penting bakso iwak-e. Hi hi ....
waduh ini sedep... ada ikan tengiri :( disini ga onok.. onoke makarel biasa :D beli bakso ikan jadi aja kali ya
ReplyDeletewah mbak.. asiiik udah diupload resep baksonya.. ^_^ makasih ya... kemaren aku ngarang aja nih bikin bakso ikan.. pake bawang putih ama garem aja..
ReplyDeletejudith: lha iya..dibikin sop yang dipancingi bakso ikannya :)
ReplyDeleteayin: Manteb bikin sendiri yin, tapi klo nggak ada ya sutra..
iyun: bikin lagi aja yun..he..he, baru sempet posting, ternyata serius to nungguin resepnya..qi...qi GR ya :)
duhhh patut dicoba nih mbak...:D..keliatan enakkkkkk
ReplyDeleteThat's really diligent of u to make fishballs!!! They look springy!
ReplyDeletewah keren mba, bikin fishball sendiri hihihi aku biasa beli
ReplyDeleteelsye: ini sop jaman aku SD..he..he.
ReplyDeletedaphne: Thansk for the compliment.
mochachocolata Rita: Selama di jerman, aku jadi rajin bikin bakso sendiri, soale klo bikin sendiri dah jelas kandungannya..nggak pake pengawet dan tanpa tambahan zat kimia lainnya ^_^