Potato pancakes/Kartoffelpuffer
1/2 kg potatoes, peeled and shredded
5 tbsp self raising flour
1 egg, beaten
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 onion, grated
salt and white ground pepper
cooking oil for frying
directions: squeeze out the water of grated potatoes with your hands and put it on a clean towel to squeeze out the remaining water. In a large bowl, combine together potato, the onion, egg and mix well. Add the flour, salt and pepper. Stir to blend. Heat cooking oil in a large frying pan. Spoon the potato mixture and cook until golden and crisp, turning once. Serve with beefsteak or fish and salad.
Never had them.
ReplyDeleteI think you forgot to post how to make them.
pengen Mbak... aku pengen banget nyoba bikin
Yum, I love potato cake. Haven't made them in a while though.
ReplyDeleteaku seneng banget kentang mba...ini perkedel bule ya? hehehe
ReplyDeletehappy cook: I´ve typed the recipe and directions. Now, you can see how to make them :)
ReplyDeletesefa: cobain sef, dimakan pake steak atau ikan crispy siip.
litte corner of mine: My kids love to eat with potatoes, so I´ve tried to make other than french fries/pommesfrites.
mochachocolata Rita: he..he pancakesnya kentang :), mirip bakwan sayur/bala-bala ya.
nyontek ah kapan kapan :D
ReplyDeletemba itu bunga2 nya cakep sirik deh disini bungaaa barang langka dan mahal huhuhu
aku pernah bikin nih mbak....:D..tapi aku ga suksess..hikkss..aku coba ya mbak ..:D
ReplyDeleteLia: Ini metik bunga yang ada di halaman aja Lia, mumpung summer:). Yang jadi background itu bunga Azalea, munculnya waktu spring, sekarang dah habis bunganya.
ReplyDeleteelsye: ini aku juga baru pertamakali bikin sendiri, biasanya beli jadi:). Anak2ku penggemar kentang.
kyk rösti ya mbak ato omelet spanyol :) dicocolin ma sambel botolan wenak tenan kui
ReplyDeleteAyin: Iya yin, ini mirip Rösti, biasanya aku suka beli jadi yg bentuknya segitiga di Aldi.
ReplyDeleteKayak Rösti tapi yang ini lebih knusprig ya ... nyammmii banget aku suka yang knusprig (^_^)
ReplyDeleteJudith: iya ini mirip rösti, enaknya dimakan anget-anget, knusprig banget sih ndak, mirip bakwan/bala-bala :)
ReplyDeleteoh!! Your potato pancake remind me of breakfast meal serve in deli here..Actually they make is as pancake but just put everything together on side wt egg and sausage..Cukup sedap ,minta sikit:))