Thursday, October 30, 2008
Rollade Tahu
Rollade is commonly made from meat. Today, I cook tofu rollade to join Cooking together (Masak Bareng Yuuk) arranged by Deetha, Ayin, Shinta with the theme: Rollade Tahu. The rollade is wrapped in Kohlrabi leaves that I used to substitute Melinjo leaves for Sayur Asem. Normally, people just discard the leaves, but I try to collect them and hopefully, someone will think that I have rabbits to feed ^_^. It´s edible and taste just like Melinjo Leaves!
400 g tofu, mashed
1 bunch spring onion, finely sliced
3 cloves garlic, crushed
3 bird´s eye chillies, finely sliced
2 eggs
2 tablespoons coconut milksalt, pepper to taste
kohlrabi leaves
2 carrots
directions: Mix all of ingredients together, except carrots. Wrap each with kohlrabi leave. Steamed for about 20-30 minutes.
Woaaa... kreatif banget deh mbak yang satu ini! kulitnya pake daun, siip deh. Fotonya juga keren! :twothumbs:
ReplyDeleteMakasih dah ikutan ya mbak... Bulan depan masak bareng lagi yuuk! :)
ooooo daunnya kohlrabi bisa dijadiin sayur asem toh Mbak? aku kira cuma utk bikin urap aja :D
ReplyDeletemakasih infonya ya Mbak
fotonya cantik Mbak...
mba...kalau disini sayur yg bulat2 (yang di gambar itu loh, ga tau namanya hehee) itu di masak soup.
ReplyDeleteduh enak'e yang ada tahu disana. kangen banget makan tahu, tapi disni ga ada.
ReplyDeletedanke buat info daun kohlrabi. kalo ada, mao ta' bikin sayur asem juga.
This is a very interesting dish to me. Have not seen it before.
ReplyDeleteKalo Kohlrabi nya kayak Labusiyam ya jeng? Enak tenan Rollade Tahu, aku sih baru pertamakali ini bikin he he :D
ReplyDeleteSeperti biasa.. Foto2ne keren Jeng, jelas dan kontras.
I didn't know about Kohlrabi's edible leaves,Rollades look very healthy:)
ReplyDeletewah kayaknya enak nih, pingin coba. Aku baru tahu kalau daun Kohlrabi bisa ganti daun melinjo di sayur asem. Entar deh aku cari di market.Makasih ya sharing resepnya..^_^
ReplyDeletemo nyonteeek..tofu nya mba.. :-)
ReplyDeleteI thought that orange thing was salted egg yolk!!! hahaha. =)
ReplyDeletewuih uenak banget nih keliatannya, jadi pengen bikin :)
ReplyDeletembak Retno aku dah bikin lho,sayur asem pake daun kohlrabi, enak juga ya.., terus kohlrabinya enak di masak apa ya? masih ada tuh di kulkas:)