Monday, October 13, 2008

Tofu Omelette

When I ´ve just came home and my kids are starving, I need to do something in a hurry. Tofu Omelette could be a good choice to cook that can save my energy :). My entry for Original recipe-monthly event arranged by Lore-Culinarty.

ingredients: 1 tofu (100 g), mashed
2 clove garlics, crushed2 eggs, beaten
1 spring onion, finely chopped

salt and pepper
4 tablespoons cooking oil

: mash tofu, then mix in garlics, spring onion, the beaten egg and salt and pepper to taste. Heat the oil in a frying pan about 20 cm in diameter. Fry tofu mixture on each side until golden brown.


  1. Great quick and easy meal! Perfect for me!

  2. enaknya ada tahu disana, mBa. kangen makan tahu neh :(

  3. quick n easy, yummy n healthy, i like it..... thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh I love your tofu omelette. Easy and healthy, have to try this! Thanks for sharing. :)

  5. I also like to put some cheese in my omelettes but I've never tried tofu. Will try it next time I'm in a hurry!
    Thanks for sharing it with the Original Recipes Round-up!

  6. Mbak, omeletnya samaan sama tahu telor yg aku bikin utk original recipe juga :D

  7. wokandspoon: Have a try :)
    mindy: mampirrr yok sini. Waktu mudik summer y.l aja, ibuku tiap hari beli tahu atau beli gorengan tahu isi , sampe mang yg jual tahunya bingung apa nggak bosen makan tahu mlulu.
    mymacbook, Little Corner of mine: you´re welcome!
    Lore: I haven´t try it with cheese, he..he :)
    sefa: punyamu lebih komplit sef, pake saos segala. Yang punyaku ini mirip sama perkedel tahu yang pernah aku posting disini
    cuman porsi tahu dikurangi, telornya ditambah, toss sesama penggemar tahu.

  8. Retno, your tofu looks so inviting. For once I am happy that my kids don't like tofu cos this way, I can eat it all myself!

    I am definately putting your blog on my fav list.

  9. Hi Retno, just visited ur wonderful site via VG's. ur tofu omelette is a healthy & yummy dish & can be made in no time. thanx 4 the recipe.

  10. wahhh ide bagus nih Mbak...gampang n dach kebayang enaknya. Soalnya aku suka tahu banget.TFS ya Mbak

  11. Pic is making me hungry. Quick and easy. Bookmarked. Will try this soon.

  12. Yummy...aku juga suka bikin ini mba.

  13. praktis juga nih Ret, daripada bikin bakwan tahu, repot ngegoreng :D

  14. Mbak Retno, omelette-nya bikin ngiler. Jadi pengen beli tahu. Anak2ku pasti suka nih.

  15. mmmmm enakk..,btw jadi keingetan gue dah lama kg bikin tahu bunder gorengan .. sama dimashjuga,enak deh

  16. mekasih ya mba retno.. dh cuba yg nih.. sedep banget! :)
