Thursday, December 18, 2008

Soto Bangkalan/Bangkalan Style Beef Soup


I´ve got email from my sister who is really kind to send me her family recipes from Bangkalan, Madura. I tried two recipes: Empal Daging Bangkalan (Sorry....I didn´t take the picture of it) and this Soto Bangkalan. Thanks a lot....mmmuuuaaahhh :). Next time, I´ll try Rawon Madura.

Soto Daging Bangkalan

source: mbak Iin

500 g beef
1,7 litre water
4 shallots, sliced
3 cloves garlic, sliced

1 stalk green onion, chopped
4 lime leaves, salt

4 tbsp cooking oil

boiled eggs, vermicelli

spices to grind: 1,5 cm ginger, 1/3 tsp white pepper, 4 cloves garlic, 3 red chillies, 2 cm turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon terasi/shrimp paste


directions: cook beef and water until the beef is tender, set aside. Cut the beef into cubes. Saute sliced shallots, garlics and green onion until fragrant, add spice paste. Pour into beef broth and beef, bring to boil. Keep it simmer for 5-10 minutes. Serve hot with vermicelli, boiled egg, chopped celery, sambal and steamed rice.


  1. cantikknyyyaaaaaa....huhui jadi ngilerrr

  2. wow... Mbak Retno fotonya tambah juaraaaaa... keren-keren
    pake BG item memang jadinya elegant ya :)

    gimana Mbak, asik ya motret pake 100mm?

  3. entah kenapa gw kok demen bener liat tone gelap foto ini mbak.
    cantekkk!!!! apalagi sang soto. heleh pada masak soto dimana bikin ngiler nih.

  4. setuju ama Dwiana, kesan gelapnya bikin si soto keren.

    Btw, aku dulu lewat doank Bangkaln krn tujuannya ke Sampang. Halah makk sumpeh serem balapan nyetir ama bus2 Madura *padahal blm sama ALS udah jiper duluan*

  5. to elsye, sefa, Dwiana, Pepy: makasihhh ya, ehmmm...jadi malu ahh, sama yg udah pada pakar food photography. Aku banyak belajar dari mlototin photo2 di blog men temen sekalian yg bikin terseponaa :)). *Pep, aku sendiri belon pernah ke Madura, cuman kakakku aja, soale bojo ne mbakyuku campuran Madura dan Banjar :))

  6. Wow mouth watering yummylicious recipe.

  7. Wahhh...looks so yummy mba, kapan-kapan nyobain ah....

  8. ngiler lagi di sini dingin banget, enak nih nyeruput kuah soto..mantapps..
    keren mbak'e potona..aku blm berani pake BG item..

  9. I never seen this kind of noodle soup before, very interesting!

  10. Soto bangkalan itu apanya soto Madura ya mbak :D

  11. to Lubna of kitchen flavour, fanny, abby, ching of LCOM: Thank youuu :)
    to A.G: Yin, sing iki anak e soto madura :D

  12. Wah bapakku orang Bangkalan tapi aku lom pernah tau soto ini.......slurp nih...fotonya juga keren!!!!
