Monday, March 30, 2009

Caramel Pots with Minted Shortbread


I´m a bit pessimistic when I see the shortbread´s recipe using fresh mint leaves. In fact, the taste is quite good. The fresh mint leaves improve the flavour of these buttery cookies. My kids like it....I´m glad don´t have to finish all of shortbreads by my own :). The recipe reminds me to the gifts that Arfi of Homemade send me last year : Vanilla beans! Imagine, the Vanilla beans had been flown from New Zealand and landed safely in Hamburg, now in my tummy...he..he. Thanks again Arfi. My caramel pot is too dark, the result is slighly bitter... never mind, next time better :).

 See round up here

Source: Chef Fred Wiesehutter, Heritage Christchurch, posted at Foodtown Magazine.
Minted Shortbread Sticks
100g icing sugar
200g flour
100g cornflour
250g unsalted butter, softened
1 vanilla pod, seeds removed and reserved
1 sprig mint, chopped

step by step Minted Shortbread sticks


Preheat the oven to 150C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Combine the icing sugar, flours, butter, vanilla seeds and mint in a bowl and mix well. Roll out to about 1cm thick. Cut into 2 x 8cm fingers. Place on the prepared tray and ba
ke for 20-25 minutes, until lightly golden. Cool and store in an airtight con
tainer until required. Makes about 30.

Caramel Pots
125g caster sugar
2 Tbs water
125ml milk
250ml cream
3 egg yolks
step by step caramel pots
Whisk the sugar into the water in a saucepan. Heat carefully and cook to a golden caramel. Combine milk and cream in a separate saucepan and warm-do not boil. Whisk the milk into the caramel, then egg yolks. Cool slightly.
Pour into four ramekins. Bake in a water bath at 160C for 30 minutes or until set. Remove the ramekin, cool then chill. Serves 4.



  1. I just saw this in Arfies place too.
    Yours looks yumm too.

  2. Nyicipppp ya :) aduh kepikiran aja buat poto kek pohon gitu cute ih :)

  3. Hmmm... duh kreatif banget fotonya...:)

  4. Looks good ya. I especially love the picture where you arranged the cookies to resemble a flower plant. :)

  5. wow what a presentation, great entry

  6. ngilllerrr..lucu banget mbak potone...kerennnn

  7. stylingnya selalu tampil beda... amboyy markamboyyy pokoke

  8. Retno, foto mint cookiesnya manis2 banget. Wah jadi pengen bikin ;-)

  9. hehehe kepake juga ya Ret, alhamdulillah dweh!! great photos as usual!

  10. Cantiiiik Foto2nya Jeng.. itu Batang Vanili dan Kukisnya keren, Art banget :) .. Eh, bener kan ya itu batang Vanili? Kreatif pokok e ;)

  11. waduw... potonya itu loh...


  12. mba retno tuh klo ngambil foto, ide nya selalu enak di liat deh.. :-)

  13. Wow nice pics....Droolworthy.....

  14. keyen banget tuh potonya mbak...krestip dweh.

  15. What a refined and delicious dessert! Great pictures too!

    Thanks for passing by!



  16. Ret, selamat ya udah menang click....kukis & creme caramel nya keliatannya enak..

  17. balik lagi.. heheheh..

    mbaaaa.. selamat atas kemenangan nya yaa.. memang cantik koq foto nya.. :-)

  18. Happy cook, Rurie, Zita, Little Corner of Mine, Elsye, Gayathri, Rita Bellnad, Tuty, Arfi, Ririn, Fitri, Lubna of Kitchen Flavour, Rosy, Rosa: Thank you for your compliments :)
    Eliza: Terimakasih ya liz, aku menangnya di DMBLGIT koq, di Click blon pernah dapet :D

  19. @ judith: makasih ya, iya betul itu batang vanilla
