Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ayam Kodok

Ayam Kodok

My first time to make Ayam Kodok. Thanks to Bunda Estherlita  who inspires me to make this-. This is my entry for "Masak Bareng Yuuk" event with the thema "Hidangan Pesta Tahun Baru" (New Year Party Dish).

Ayam Kodok Recipe

1 whole chicken
750 g ground chicken breast
250 g minced beef

1 tbsp senf/mustard

1 onion

4 clove garlics

1 teaspoon thyme
2 tbsp fried red onion
1 sachet cream soup
1 slice of white bread

200 ml schlagsahne
(heavy cream/double cream)
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 eggs
pepper, salt

brush the skin with:
1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp tomaten sauce, 1 tbsp sweet soya sauce, 1 tbsp margarine or butter


1 onion
1 clove garlic
4 tbsp tomato sauce
1 fresh tomato
1 tbsp sweet soya sauce
2 tsp sugar
1/2tsp white pepper
2 tbsp maizena flour
2 cm ginger
300 ml water
salt, 3 tbsp cooking oil

You can watch step by step how to make here . Thank´s a lot to Stella, the steps are really helpful for me as a beginner :)


  1. Wow, I love how you debone, cut and arranged the chicken.

  2. @Ching of Little Corner of Mine: The video is made by Stella ( not by me ^_^

  3. wow wow... tantangan yg saat ini masih menantang buat ngerjain ayam ini. welll done, mbak!

  4. wa....
    makasih banyak ya, mbak Ret udah ikutan lagi MasBar setelah sekian lama tak jumpa... ahaha
    Selamat Tahun Baru 2010 :)

  5. Wadow (waduh & wow), mantap banget ayam kodoknya. Komposisi warna & fotonya bikin aku luaper nih.

    Happy New Year, Retno.

  6. ravie de découvrir un joli blog
    bonne année 2010
    bonne journée

  7. Aku tau ayam kodok baru2 aja dari sebuah majalah, tapi yang ada di majalah kayaknya kalah jauh sama buatannya Mbak Retno. Kodoknya bikin laperrrr hehehe :D

  8. wow mantap banget ayam kodoknya :-)
