Sunday, July 4, 2010

Herrings in Tomato Sauce

Herrings in tomato soße

I bought about 1 kg herrings from fischmarkt and tried to make homemade sardines using Herrings.


1 pack of passierte tomaten (tomato puree)
1 kg fresh Tomatoes, remove the seeds and put them in a blender
3 onions, chopped
5 clove garlics, crushed
1 teaspoon curry powder
5 tablespoons cooking oil
salt and sugar

wash fish thoroughly and discard fins, head and internal organs. Cut the fish if necessary.
Saute chopped onions and garlics until fragrant. Put all ingredients together in a pressure cooker. Process in the pressure cooker for about 1 hour.


  1. Bravo to you for making your own sardine!

  2. wah bener2 menggugah selera nih mba, kpn2 tak coba resepnya ya mba :)
