Teh Niknik, terimakasih sudah berbagi resep
Source: Siti Wahyuni Asih
1 kg daging sapi / rinderrippen
3 liter air
150 g umbi selerie
4 schalloten atau sekitar 100 g, bawang merah goreng
7 siung bawang putih goreng
4 daun salam
3 cm jahe
3 cm laos
2 serai, dikeprek
1,5 sdt merica
garam secukupnya
Pelengkap: kacang kedele goreng, sambel (haluskan tomat, cabe, garam), bawang goreng, lobak (kupas, potong-potong dan rebus), kecap, bawang daun, jeruk nipis atau citronen
Cara: daging direbus berikut salam , sereh, laos, jahe, garam, sampe setengah empuk. Kemudian angkat daging dan potong-potong.
masukkan ke air kaldu ---> umbi selerie +merica + bawang merah goreng+bawang putih goreng, masak sampai mendidih
Jika rasa sudah mantab semua bumbu bisa diambil dan dibuang (salam,sereh, laos, jahe, umbi selerie)
English version
1 kg beef
3 ltr water
1 white radish, peeled, cut
200 g white beans/haricot beans, soak the beans in hot water , after 1 - 2 hour sifted, fried in hot cooking oil
150 g knollensellerie/celeriac (knob celery)
100 g schalloten/shallots, fried
7 clove garlics, finely slices->fried
4 bay leaves
3 cm Ingwer/Ginger
3 cm galangal
2 Zitronengras/lemon grass
1 - 1,5 teaspoon ground white pepper
condiments: sweet soya sauce, sambal
directions: place beef or beef ribs, water, bay leaves, lemongrass, ginger, galangal, salt into large pan. Bring to boil, simmer until beef half tender. Remove the beef then cut into cubes. Return the beef to the pan, season with pepper, add knob celery, fried shallots and garlics. Bring to boil again, reduce heat, simmer until the beef is tender. Note: you can discard lemon grass, galangal, ingwer and bay leaves from the soup.
Meanwhile, place white radish(daikon) into pan of boiling water for about 4 minutes, remove from pan.
Serve Soto Bandung/soup, with slices of white radish, fresh tomatoes, sprinkle with fried white beans, fried shallots, chopped celery or spring onions.
white radish mksdnya lobak yahh mbak? disini dilabel sbg daikon. enakk euyy buat adem2 begini.
ReplyDeleteIya Pep Lobak maksudnya, aku search di wikipedia emang Daikon alias white radish itu.
ReplyDeleteThis looks interesting. I never have this before.
ReplyDeletembak nanya itu celeriac fungsinya buat apa?
ReplyDeletebongkol seledri/celeriac itu bikin tambah seger, aromanya mirip seledri gitu