Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Eggless Chocolate Muffins

Yessssss.....super moist and EGGLESS, like it !. Hesti of Hesti´s Kitchen: Yummy for your tummy...,  thank you for sharing the recipe.  I use fresh milk instead of milk powder.

Ingredients : yields for about 14 muffins
1 1/4 cup all purpose flour (note: 1 cup flour = 128 g, 1 1/4 cup flour = 160 g)
1/2 cup chocolate powder (1/2 cup chocolate powder = 64 g)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda (Natron)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cup cold water (me: cold milk) (note: 1 cup milk = 200 ml, 1 1/2 cup milk =300 ml)
2 tablespoons milk powder ( I skip this)
1 cup palm sugar (me: sugar,  1 cup sugar = 200 g)
1 teaspoon vanilie essence (me: vanilie sugar)
1/2 teaspoon mocca paste
1/2 cup cooking oil or melted butter (note: 1/2 cup cooking oil = 100 ml, 1/2 cup butter=113 g)
1 tablespoon lemon or lime juice

directions: sift flour, chocolate powder, baking powder and baking soda. Add sugar and salt. Pour in to milk,  use a whisk to blend the batter then add oil, mocca paste and lime juice. Stir thoroughly until mix well. Bake in oven 180°C for about 25 minutes.


  1. Waaaaaa, kelihatan lembutnya MBak Retno, makasih ya udah nyobain resepnya ^^

    Suka sama cetakan muffin warna warninya...

  2. Since you said it's super moist, I want to give this a try! Also, I loved recipe that only required a whisk! ;D

  3. ive been looking for an easy eggless n moist choc cake recipe. i should try this. What is Mocca exactly?

  4. @Hesti: thank´s for sharing, love it :)
    @ching of LCOM: have a try, It´s really easy, moist and lecker :)
    @reeyau: It´s a kind of mocca paste (combination of coffee and chocolate), if you don´t have it...just skip.
