Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Baked Marble Cheese Cake

Syanti Dewi, Thank you for sharing the recipe.
source: Alex Goh, via Syanti Dewi 

(a)   500gr cream cheese
       50 gr gula
(b)   230 gr whipped cream
(c)   5 kuning telur
(d)   120 gr tepung
(e)    parutan kulit lemon dari 1 biji lemon
(f)    5 putih telur
       120 gula
       1 sdm  lemon juice
(g)   50 gr chocolate
       1 sdm susu cair

You can see  directions in Bahasa Indonesia through Syanti´s blog here.

250 g mascarpone
175 g honig frischkäse/cream cheese
50 g chocolate powder
200 schlagsahne(whipped cream)
5 egg yolks
120 g all purpose flour
1 lemon
5 egg whites
120 g  sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice

directions in english....to be continued :)