Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kue Mangkok

Not Cooked by me :). 
Helwah, Thank you for sharing delicious kue mangkok recipe ^^
Kue Mangkok, cooked by Helwah Balfas
Source: Helwah Balfas

A. 400 g rice flour
B. 300 g Tape (fermented rice or fermented cassava  ), grinded and sifted
C. 200 ml coconut water ( or soda water/sprite  )
D. 200 ml water
E. 1 tsp baking soda 
F. 350 g gula jawa/Palm sugar (or 100 g palm sugar+150 g sugar)
G.. 400 ml coconut milk ( or 200 ml coconut milk+200 ml milk)

I. A+B+C+D+E combine together until mix well 
II. F+G bring them to boil then sifted, let them cool
after 5 hours, combine I + II 
Pour the mixture into the moulds then steam for about 30 minutes
*the moulds should be warmed enough before filled 

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