Sunday, July 29, 2007

Potato Pie

When I saw Shepherd´s Pie at Stevita´s Kitchen, I thougt my kids´d like it. I´d rather call that Potato Pie, it´s called "Pastel Tutup" in Indonesian. Whatever the name is, its taste so good. Instead of making homemade mashed potato, I´ve used Kartoffel Püree/mashed potato powder. My oldest son has told me that Pie becomes one of his favourite food. No wonder, nothing left for me!. Thank you Wita.

3 packs (3x100g) Kartoffel (potatoes) Püree
1 liter warmed milk

1 tablespoon butter or margarine, melted

salt, pepper, nutmeg, as desired
100 g grated cheese, only for topping
Mix all of ingredients together

for filling:
Stir fried minced beef and vegetables
500 g minced beef
5 carrots, cut into small pieces

500 g string beans, cut into small pieces

1 onion, finely sliced

3 cloves garlics, crushed

1 teaspoon thyme

1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon sugarsalt, as desired
3 tablespoons cooking oil

Note: I´ve used only a half of filling for this recipe.


  1. enyakkkkkkkk bgt aku mau nyonmtek juga udah keduluan kalo gitu minta sepotong dulu deh ya hehehhehehe

  2. kalo aku krn mau kilat dagingnya gak dimasak dulu sprt kamu, jadi mentah2 di-bake, makanya lebih lama manggangnya... aku kalo masak maunya serba praktis dan gampang..hehehe..malessss.

  3. to Lia: Ayo bikin juga, enak koq.
    to Wita: Bikin dagingnya iya rajin..ditumis dulu,sama motongin sayur kuicil2, lhaa...mashed potatonya gantian aku yg males, pake ready to use aja, hi..hi.

  4. This look soooo delish too! You are making me hungry! :D~~

  5. aku milih makannya aja langsung d... hehehehe...

  6. potato pie, boljug juga nih mbak idenya, kapan2 dicobain ah

  7. I do love potatoes. I think we call this shephard's pie here.

  8. to primaningrum: nggak bisa..udah abis, wong aku aja nggak kebagian, disikat semua sama anakku.
    to Isha: cobain deh isha, gampang dan enak buat yg suka lho ya.
    to YM: Nggak usah pake kangen-kangenan..hayuuk bikin!,he..he
    to Kelly: Could you please tell me why it´s called shephard´s Pie?

  9. Hey, I just saw your message. I'm not sure what the origin of the name is. My mother made a similar dish in which she browned seasoned ground beef on the stove with some veggies. She put that into a pie crust and topped it with mashed potatoes. I believe it's an Irish dish. I found a site describing it here:'s_pie

  10. Hi Retno,

    mampir ke blognya nih, ngiler lihat potato pie, boleh juga neh idenya.

    Thanks for sharing :-)
