Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Pick only one? I bet you still want more. These snacks are requested by my little son. I think it´s a good idea to use the rest of Potato Pie filling.

Ingredients: for dough
400 g plain flour
150 ml water or (100 ml coconut milk+50 ml water)
100 ml cooking oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
cooking oil for frying

For filling:
See the recipe (Stir fried minced beef&vegetables) below
3 boiled eggs, divided into 24 pieces


  1. Hmmm ... pastelnya membuatku ingat masa lalu, Mbak ... pagi2 sarapan pastel anget beli di tetangganya ortu yg emang jualan kue2 .. hihihih :D

    Aduh, Mbakkk, liat resep2 Mbak Retno, sebenernya tanganku guataaallll pengen praktek, tapiiih apa daya rumah lagi ancur berantakan :(( Jadi malzh ke dapur & praktek2 *sigh*

  2. pastelll, dah lama bgd kyknya gag makan pastel, nyomot ah 3 biji hehehe...

  3. to ninis: Duluu juga seneng nya beli baru sekarang aja bikin sendiri. Ya sabarrr nis..sekarang beres2 apartemen dulu, besok2 baru masak buat selametannya :))
    to Isha: buat bumil mah...sok aja..ambil deh sesukanya biar nggak ngiler..he..he.
    to Ari: Of course you can have all of those pictures :)).

  4. Yummmmm - curry puffs! I love these!

  5. Oops - sort of curry puffs! I should read your recipe first! But they look really nice!

  6. The outside look like our curry puffs. Just printed your recipe since your dough is easier, using oil instead of butter.

  7. Waduhhh hari ini dua kali liat pastel, satu lagi diposting temen di multiply jdudulnya pasta panggang dalam rangka MFM# 5. Jadi makin lapar malem2 begini

    Mbak ikutan yukk MFM, bulan agustus ada lagi

  8. Duh bentuknya perfect banget Mba..bener-bener menggoda..

  9. duh bener...pastel mah bikin kita ketagihan mo comot terus hihihihi

  10. pick one ??? no way ! I want three (^_^)

  11. huaaaaaaaaaaaa mauuuuu bangetssssss, aku baru mau bikin minggu ini buat acara ngeteh dirumah hehehehhehe

  12. Pastel itu emang kesukaan semua orang. kbtln mampir ke hamburg ada...pngn nyba ah....

  13. I want more than one!! 10 boleh gk wuah ini mah ngerampok loh yah hahaha.

  14. to wokandspoon & little corner of mine: maybe similar, but used different filling.
    to andaliman, ym, rita bellnad, lia, dwiana: monggo..silahkan dinikmati gambarnya :))
    to andrieanne: buat di pejeng yg bagusnya ne, yg amburadul ada juga :)
    to teta: Iya dicobain, enak bener deh (kata yg bikin he..he).
