Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tumis Tahu Pak Choy/Stir Fried Tofu and Pak Choy

Green Baby Pak Choy, contents useful amount of Kalium, Calcium, Carotin, Vitamin C and B, is also called Shanghai Bok Choy. The leaves and stems are prepared in various Oriental dishes, often stir fried, steamed or to be used in soups. The leaves can also be preserved by salting.

500 g Pak Choy, wash, drain and cut
400 g fried tofu, cut
1 Onion, finely sliced
3 cloves minced garlics
2 red chillies, sliced
1 tablespoon Oyster sauce
50 ml water
salt, sugar as desired
3 tsp cooking oil

directions: Saute onion, garlics until fragrant. Add sliced chillies then pour Oyster sauce and water. Add tofu and Pak Choy. Keep stir and fry until cooked.


  1. What a green dish. With so many vegetable and tofu, it must be good for you.

  2. ijoooooo mauuuuuuuuuuuu aku lagi demen makan yg ijo ijo juga :D bikin ah aku contek ya ;)

  3. tahu ama pak choy, gag nolak mbak kalo dikasi buat makan siang hehehe...

  4. summer gini emang lebih enak makan sayuran yg sederhana tanpa santan :D

  5. This looks great, like a everyday homecook meal! So healthy too! :)

  6. to kelly & little corner of mine:
    Yes,healthy and good for my diet too!
    to lia & Isha: bikinnya udah lamaaa..baru di posting sekaranglagi males masak, hi..hi.
    to YM: Iya nih masakan cepet, gampang (nggak mau di bilang males..he..he, lha wong tumis doang!)
