Thursday, August 23, 2007

Black Forest Cake

I haven´t taken any cake decorating course, so my black forest doesn´t look beautiful like others. For the black forest cake , I don´t use margarine or butter. Despite lack of margarine or butter, the cake itself turned out pretty well. I thought, it´s already creamy enough from the mixture of whipped Cream and Mascarpone that are used to cover the cake.

Ingredients for Black Forest Cake:
200 g flour
150 g castor sugar
8 eggs
25 g chocolate powder
1 teaspoon emulsifier (TBM or SP)
25 g milk powder or maizena (Mondamin speisestarke)

directions: Preheat oven to 180°C. Use a mixer with high speed to blend sugar, eggs and emulsifier until the mixture is stiff about 8 - 10 minutes. Sift the chocolate with flour then gently add to the mixture, beat for a few seconds with the lowest speed until thoroughly mixed . Pour the mixture into a tin cake and bake in the oven for 30 minutes then turn the oven down to 150°C for about 10 minutes. Leave the cake to cool before decorating.


  1. Hi Ret,
    R u sure without taking any decorating course but your decorating looks good!

  2. Retno, pandainya you decorate your cake. CANTIK !!! Can I have a slice..maybe two :) :)

  3. Sue sue: Thank you !
    i cook4fun: Absolutely Yessss :))

  4. What a beautiful cake! That quite impressive.

  5. What lah! Your black forest cake is very pretty! Got standard, can sell already!

  6. Huaaaaaaaaa keren bangettt
    hayoo baking dari keju

  7. cantiiikkkkk!!!!!!!! bfnya mbak retno, mau dunk 2 ato 3 iris hehehe...*rakus*

  8. aduhhh cantik begitu bfnya, aku mau dunk seiris :D

  9. your cake looks so beautiful, and delicious :)

  10. No butter or margarine! Wow - that's one healthy cake! And it looks lovely too!

  11. to kelly, little corner of mine, andaliman/Pepy, everything4sweets, east meets west kitchen: Thank you for nice comments!
    Lia, Isha: berapa iris juga asal ambil sendiri :)
    wokandspoon: Hi!, welcome back from holiday. Nice to hearing from you again.

  12. Retno, you are so humble, of course your cake is as pretty as others and since you don't take any classes on cake decorating, it is awesome, two thumbs up for your black forrest!

  13. apa kabar mbak Retno..BFnya cantiik...lho...hebat deh...

  14. wow cantik book kuenya.. ga nulak kok kalo ditawarin 2 iris hehe.. buat temen ngeteh...( sapa jg ya yg nawarin hehehe )

  15. to hany: Duhh..jadi malu nih sama hany, thanks.
    to desi: Phakabar des?, lama menghilang nih bumil.
    to a.g: Iya tuh masih ada 1 iris terakhir klo mau diabisin :)

  16. That is very beautiful! You certainly have a talent!

  17. to dwiana: Black forest punya dwiana juga keren lho.

  18. Hey you know I had been to Blackforest (germany) last week.

    Cake looks rich and absolutely awesome
