8 slices (9x9)cm butter toast bread
300 ml milk
2 teaspoons mixed Vanilla sugar+ground Cinnamon
3 eggs, lightly beaten
5 tablespoons sugar
sultanas/raisins, as required
1 apple, sliced
directions: Soak the bread in milk and eggs. Crush with a fork or a blender. Add sugar, vanilla+cinnamon and sultanas/raisins. Stir well all ingredients together. Lightly grease a (14x22) cm baking pan or pyrex. Pour the bread mixture into a pyrex then put sliced apples on the top. Bake at 180°C in the oven for 45 minutes.
So pretty and yummy. Good with a scoop of vanilla ice cream too! :)
ReplyDeleteeast meets west kitchen: Next time, I ´ll try it with ice cream :))
ReplyDeleteSound so easy. I wonder if I can substitute the vanilla sugar with vanilla essence/extract and the cinnamon with some allspice.
ReplyDeleteide bagus aku sering buang roti :(( thanks for the recipe
ReplyDeletetigerfish: hmmm...sounds interesting and tasty, too!
ReplyDeleteLia: sama Lia, klo weekend roti dirumah nggak laku. Kadang roti masih fresh juga aku bikin begini karena gampang bikinnya untuk nyamilan sore hari :)
Hmm kecium wangi nya...kalo dach nggak nyusuin boleh nih di coba. Aku add ya Retnoooooooooo. thnx
ReplyDeletetoss !! aku jg baru bikin nih ngehabisin sisa bread minggu ini, good idea tuh dikasih apple, next time mesti aku coba nih... thanks
ReplyDeleteresto mariena: klo lagi punya bayi kebayang deh repotnya. Resepnya ini gampang koq.
ReplyDeleteRita bellnad: tosss lagi Rit!
mbak ini rotinya tawar yaahh ?
ReplyDeleteaku jarang beli roti tawar.. biasanya makan fullcorn bread
Yummi..enak nih kayaknya..cemilan buat sore, makannya sambil nyeruput orange juice, seger.
ReplyDeletea.g: Pake fullcorn bread juga nggak apa-apa koq, aku juga dah pernah bikin, tampilannya lebih coklat aja dan malah lebih sehat :)
ReplyDeleteRyu´s Mom: Yuppps! pake juice ato teh anget OK.
Looks great! I tried it once with coconut milk, very fragrant, but more fattening!
ReplyDeletekayanya tuh enak banget makan bakso malang jadi rindu ingin pulang ke indo
ReplyDeleteLittle corner of mine: you may try it with milk rather than coconut milk :)
ReplyDeleteedwin: Hi! thx udah mampir ya.
Wah, aku mesti buruan ngumpetin roti nih, buat nyoba resepnya mbak...
ReplyDeleteBtw, mbak Retno.. ijin link di blog aku ya mbak :)
Mbak, aku posting resepnya dimultiplyku... makasih banyak yaaa
ReplyDeleteenak banget
halo mba, salam kenal...:) aku sudah bikin puding nya low...enak banget, suamiku suka banget...thanks for creating wonderful blog! very useful...:)aku posting juga resepnya di blogku...:)
ReplyDeleteAri di Chile..:)