Monday, February 4, 2008

Belgian Waffles& Indonesian Food

We went to Brussel last weekend. On the way to Manekin Piss, something made me drooling.....hmmm.. yummy Brussel Waffles!
I posted some photos in my Multiply.

In Belgium there are two types of waffles (or gauffres as we like to call them): the Brussels and the Liege waffle. The Brussels is rectangular in shape with a golden-brown exterior, deep divots and is usually eaten with a knife and fork. Brussels waffles are served with a variety of toppings such as powdered sugar, whipped cream, ice cream, strawberries and chocolate. The Liege waffle is golden-yellow, more dense in texture and has a burned sugar coating on the outside giving it a lightly sweet flavor. This hand-held waffle is sold by street vendors all over Belgium.(source:

You can see another waffle recipe here (German Waffle)

......And Family gathering with Indonesian Food!

Breakfast: Nasi Uduk
See my Nasi Uduk recipe.

Lunch Menu: Rice, Pepes Salmon (Spicy salmon wrapped with Banana Leaves), Lalap (fresh vegetable & Sambal, Crispy chicken, Stir Fry vegetables, Semur daging (beef in sweet soya sauce), krupuk.
see my Pepes Ikan Salmon recipe.

P.S: Special Thanks to Tante Nien´s Family for hospitality, kindness and....delicious meals ^_^.


  1. Belgian waffle pasti enak banget ya mbak apalagi top up ma Belgian chocolate....ugh... gak ku..ku..

  2. Iya bener Rit, enak banget.Kapan-kapan mau nyobain juga bikin sendiri

  3. hmm waffel emang enak :) nyomot atu ahh..buat si kecil :)

    mbak aku ikut gathering ke hamburg hehe :) duh menunya enak-enak.

  4. waaah... enyak..enyak... bs jalan2 sambil makan2. aplg wafel pake coklat belgia... nyem..nyem... kali2 ajakin akyu donk mbak Retno...

  5. everything4sweets: me too :))
    a.g: itu family gathering yg di Brussel, bukan aku yg masak...hi..hi.
    deetha: Aku juga masih pengin tuh Det, kalo bikin sendiri rasanya masih sama nggak ya :))

  6. i want BOTH types of waffles! =) so yummy looking!

  7. I make both the waffels, if you check my old post you will find the step by step recipe for oneof them. The one we get in streets i don't make that often, i've only made that twice and that was ages ago.
    Don't you just love the smell from the waffers in the street when you pass them.
    When u were in Brussels did you grab a pack of Friets, that is also ver addictive smell :-)
    And again thankyou for giving me the award

  8. daphne: Yes, Both look so nice and want to pick them all.
    happy cook: Ahh...I didn´t have a chance to taste Friets.Maybe, next time. Thank you for sharing the recipe, I´ll try it.

  9. Everything looks so delicious!

    Wishing you & family:

    Xin Nian Kuai Le!
    Sheng Ti Jian Kang!
    Gong Xi Fa Cai!

  10. little corner of mine: Thanks. Btw, Could you please translate it for me :) I understand only : Gong Xi Fa Cai

  11. wah mbak... itu menu lengkapnya bener2 bikin ngeiler....
