Saturday, January 3, 2009

Kue Lumpur


When my oldest son saw Kue Lumpur at Ayin of AG´s Food, he begged me to make it. I just made slightly modification by using kartoffelpüree/mashed potato powder and substitute amount of coconut milk with milk. Ayin, thank you for sharing the recipe.


source: Ayin
Yields for 24
200 g all purpose flour
300 g potato, , peeled, steamed and mashed ( me: 100 g kartoffelpüree/mashed potato powder+350 ml hot water)
100 g sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilie, 6 eggs, 1/2 tsp salt, sultanas
400 ml coconut milk (me: 250 ml coconut milk + 150 ml milk)
2 tablespoons margarine, melted

directions: place sugar, vanillie, salt and eggs in a bowl of electric mixer. Beat together for about 3 minutes until thoroughly mixed. Gradually, fold in the flour, mashed potato alternately and adding milk/coconut milk between each addition. Add melted butter and mix well. Put spoonfuls of batter into greased muffin pan. Bake in a moderate preheat oven 180°C for about 20 minutes.


  1. mungkin lopa ga dikasi margarine kali mbak cetakannya :) btw makasih ya udah pk resepku hehe... iya manise ga terlalu njulek banget, sek diresep gulane 200 grm lho mbak.. bayake legine kyk apa hehe :D

  2. It looks and sounds really nice Retno. I have to try this soon.

  3. Saya pun suka kue ini, dah sewaktu saya bekerja dgn ibu Ratna (dari Indo-bandung) dia suka membuatnya utk Saya....Enak dan syiok...

  4. I still remember about 2 years ago, Pb tried to make this for my birthday. I gave him few recipe of Indonesian food in English.

  5. wah ini juga makanan kesukaan-ku :) Yum yum

  6. This is my first visit to your blog. My friend Tuty sent me your link after I had feasted at her home last night and what a delightful find your blog is! I am in awe and cannot wait to explore your blog.

    I have added it to my blog roll and my feeds.

  7. bagi donk satu buat ngopi, doyan nih.

  8. Kue Lumpur is new to me but it sure makes my mouth water LOL :)
    Looks delicious!

  9. Ayin: Sudah aku kasih margarine yin, tapi masih agak lengket juga. Tapi it´s Ok koq masih bisa dicongkel..he..he. Tengkyuu yo jeng, enakk!
    VG: Let me know if you´ve already try :)
    MamaElla: syiok tuh artinya apa ya ^_^
    Pepy: have a really nice hubby pepy :).
    Evi: yuukk dicicipi sama2 :)
    Cynthia: Thank you for visit Cynthia, you have a great blog too. Do you mean Tuty from Indonesia?
    Chenmarlin: monggoooo :)
    Lore: Thanks Lore, it´s easy to make. Have a try!

  10. asikkkkkkkk.... aku nanti nyontek ahhhhh

  11. So interesting, I would love to taste it.

  12. sefa: aku nggak punya cetakan kue lumpur, begitu aku liat Ayin pake cetakan muffin, langsung deh ikutan bikin. Biasanya aku cuman nyicip bikinan temen2ku di Hamburg :))
    Little corner of Mine:Ching, Come here to taste :))

  13. tinggal ngilerrr...hihihi pengennnnn....

  14. wow! dish looks tempting and am drooling over it!
    first time to ur blog and it is so good!
    do visit my blog when u find time and join in the savory event going in my blog!

  15. Halo Mbak.. This is my first visit neh..

    Tu Mbak mention ada eggs di directions.. Berapa yah eggsnya?? Thanks..

  16. Salam kenal ibu Retno. Saya sering sekali buka blog ibu dari jaman kuliah untuk cari-cari ide masak, termasuk salah satunya kue lumpur ini. Sudah saya praktekkan baru-baru ini dan hasilnya sedap, trims :)
