Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Soto Padang/Padang Style Beef Soup

Soto Padang/Padang Style Beef Soup

I cooked Soto again, this time Padang style to participate Masak Bareng (cooking together) arranged by Shinta, Deetha and Ayin. My kids said that they still prefer Soto Bangkalan than this :D

750 g beef
2 litre water
1 stalk lemon grass
4 cloves
4 cardamoms
3 star anise
5 lime leaves
3 cm galangal, 3 cm ginger
1 teaspoon white pepper powder
1 teaspoon sugar
salt to taste
4 tablespoon cooking oil, 1 tablespoon Blueband margarine

spice to grind: 10 small red onion or 6 shallots, 5 cloves garlic, 1 tbsp coriander, 3 cm turmeric

condiments: celery, vermicelli, perkedel kentang/fried potato cake, sambal, krupuk, lime.


directions: saute spice paste until fragrant. Pour into water and other spices until boil. Add beef, seasoning with pepper, sugar and salt. Keep it simmering until the beef is tender. Take out beef, then cut into slices and fry with small amount of cooking oil until the colour of beef changed into brown. Serve hot with vermicelly, perkedel kentang, krupuk, lime, chopped celery, sambal.


  1. hihi..kerupuk merahnya unik..Vy mampir lagi neh,mbak :)

  2. Yes, today is soto padang's day :D slurp.. hmm lamak bana :)

  3. krupuk merah kampuang ya mbak.. :) yg penting ada krupuknya.. di Hamburg mendung disini cerah langit biru.... tp yo atis banget hehe... kunjung-2 sblm pergi nanti sore.. diundang dinner dirmh iparku hehe

  4. duhhh aku pengen ikutan tapi belum ada waktu..besok mesti ke pasar nih..heheheh

  5. mba Retno..aku ikut nyicip sotonya yoo...

  6. duh krupuk merahnya, pengen nyomot.

  7. huaaaaaaaa jd inet jajan soto padang di depan pasar anyar bogor. Ngerjain temen yg org yogya yg sumpah gak bs pedes.
    Padahal cowoknya org Bukittinggi yg skrg jadi suaminya

  8. ini soto padang campur kerupuk jawa ya Mbak :D

    kok gak nelpon sih bikin soto ;;)

  9. Silvy: iya warnanya manyala bob ya..he..he.
    shinta: lamak bana tuh artinya apa ya Shin? ora mudeng :)
    Ayin: pokok e sing penting warnane uaaabanng, mereeee
    elsye: ikutttt dunk ke pasar :)
    abby: pan bikin juga yaak..he..he:) saling memandangi fotonya :D
    chenmarlin: comot aja :)
    Pepy: Aku pernah nyobain soto padang di traktir temenku yg orang Padang :). Bikin sendiri baru kali ini.
    Sefa: Pokok e warnanya merah fa. Sebetulnya di Tokind ada yg kerupuk biasa warna merah, cuman aku pilih yang ini, harganya lebih murah ajaahh..he..he.

  10. The beef looks a bit dry to me, but I don't know about this noodle soup.

    Have a wonderful new year ahead ya!

  11. ayune mbak....krupuknya jambon...and aku naksir pancine hehehe

  12. Saking sibuk dan juga abis sakit, aku jadi nggak bisa ikutan event kali ini.. padahal uenak iki, hidangan soto, pedes dan anget2 tombo masuk angin..
