Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bakpao/Steamed Bun

This steamed bun or Bakpao can be filled with meat or vegetarian fillings. I found special bun flour in Asia Store and thought to try with mung beans paste as fillings. Bakpao with beef filling can be seen here.

For steamed bun
1 kg Bun flour or all purpose flour
1 cup sugar
500 ml warmed milk
2 sachets hefe/yeast or 1 sachet (11 g) fermipan yeast
1 tablespoon salt
4 tablespoons cooking oil
directions: Mix all of ingredients in a food processor or you can stir evenly until the dough is formed using a spiral hand mixer or use your own hand. Put in the oven 50°C (during cold seasons) for about 1 hour . Divide the dough into 24 balls. Fill in mung beans paste and steam for about 20-30 minutes.

For mung beans paste:
200 g peeled mung beans

250 g palm sugar

25 g instant coconut cream powder
directions: soak peeled mung beans in the water for about 2 hours and drain. Steam the beans until soft then grind with palm sugar and coconut cream together.


  1. Those look so great! What an impressive final product.

  2. Nice! I have one pao flour waiting for me to use it.

  3. Nyam nyam ...

    Dulu : sore2 nunggu di teras .. suara tet tot tet tot ... plok plok .. bakpo massss ...!!

    Sekarang : harus browsing di internet cari resepnya, belanja ke toko, nguplek di dapur seharian ..

    Kalo deket Mbak Retno ngrayu biar dibolehin cicipcicip dikit :D Ya toh, Mbak?! ;)

    Glugh glugh .. nelen ludah :)

  4. mbak disana ada gula merah yaa.... huhu.. disni adanya gula palem, jadi kalo dimasak pucet :(

  5. wahhh lagi sahur ni..nyomot satu ya mbak...

  6. Used to have bakpao for I do not have this luxury :(

    I like sweet buns like this too, just that prefer savory bakpao. :)

  7. Retno..kalo mau isinya gampang..kan ada yg jual di bagian frozen yaitu red beans ( isi bakpao item tuh lhoo)
    Duhh aku pengen yg isi unti kelapa hmmm TFS ya

  8. Thanks for dropping by my blog:).wow!! your pau look so good!!.I'm going to learn how to make your pao.Thanks for sharing:)

  9. Kelly: Thanks for always give me a nice comment.
    little corner of mine: waiting for ur next posting :)
    everything4sweets: Thanks
    ninis: Iya nih disini sebetulnya ada lho nis jual yg udah jadi, ada isi durian segala. Bikin sendiri jadinya buaanyaak banget :). Ada 1 lagi nih klo mo nyicip.
    a.g: iya di Toko Ind.
    fitta: iya aku juga sahurnya makan bakpao, nasi juga dunk..he..he.
    tigerfish: give it try by ur own.
    resto mariena: Makasih infonya, kpn2 aku coba cari yg pake red bean
    beachlover: you´re welcome

  10. Retno, nice looking pau. I like all kinds of pau either sweet or savory.

  11. Hi Retno,

    I just noticed that you put hot dog sausages in your vegetable soup too! My husband and mother-in-law thought I was crazy for putting sausages in soup! It adds more flavor to it, I think :)

  12. east meets west kitchen: Thanks
    i cook4fun: me, too!
    chiara: just try it!

  13. gorgeous looking pao ya Retno. i should try the bun flour sometime too :)

  14. it looks so yummy banget deh. aku belum pernah bikin bakpao kepengen banget tapi kayaknya rada susah yah say. I shall try your recipe someday. thanks for sharing.

  15. thanks for the recipe. Hope you don't mind, my husband link your bakpao photo to his site.
