Sunday, November 28, 2010

Soto Bandung

soto bandung  di Hamburg
Teh Niknik, terimakasih sudah berbagi resep

Source: Siti Wahyuni Asih

1 kg daging sapi / rinderrippen
3 liter air

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bangket Kacang/Peanut Biscuits

Bangket Kacang/Peanut Biscuits

KBB#20 Biskuit tradisional/kue bangket

Bangket Kacang
source: Nadrah Shahab

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Creme of Tomato Soup with Chicken balls

Creme of Tomato Soup with chicken Balls

A hot bowl of cream tomato soup may be the perfect way to warm yourself in a cold day.