375 g Tempe
3 shallots
4 clove garlics
1 gula merah/palm sugar
1 tbsp coriander
1/2 tsp tamarind juice
4 tbsp sweet soya sauce
150 g coconut milk
300 ml water
Grind shallots, garlics and coriander. Put tempe, spices and all ingredients in a large pan. Bring it to boil, simmer until no more water. Tempe bacem can be fried in cooking oil or I just baked it in oven 180°C about 10 minutes.

hmm looks so yummy mba, walo aku bkn penggemar tempe :)
Sebetulnya aku jg lebih suka klo tempe di mendoan aja^^
Looks good, like the spices you added there.
@Ching of LCOM: thank you Ching
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