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Onion-Garlic Sticks
When we had an Indonesian gathering two months a go, Kak Elsi brought this snacks. It´s really good. I watched how quickly they disappear. So, I asked her for the recipe. Unfortunately, I couldn´t make it directly because I don´t have a noodle/pasta machine. Of course, you can still make it manually but it will take longer than if we use this gadget. Thanks to WSV (winter schluss verkauft/winter sale), thought this machine can be used in every season :)). I prefer to buy a stainless steel-made than chromium-plated noodle machine. The reason for the choice, this metal doesn´t corrode easily. My oldest son helped me to make noodles, he really enjoyed using the gadget.
1 kg all purpose flour
200 ml coconut milk
1 tbsp butter or margarine, melted
1 tbsp ground coriander
1 egg3 tbsp celery, finely chopped
spices to grind: 5 shallots/small red onion, 4 cloves garlic
cooking oil for frying
directions: mix all of ingredients. Knead the dough until pastry is smooth and elastic. Use the noodle/pasta machine to make noodles then cut into 4-5 cm in length, spread a little bit flour to avoid them sticking together. Fry in a deep frying pan until golden brown.
lahhh kok bersambung :)
mau mau mau mau mau...buat cemilan nonton Top bangettt!!!
andaliman: he..he, ditinggal belanja dulu. Sekarang sudah disambung terusannya :))
mochachocolata rita: dahhh...abis Rit sak tupperware.
I have never had them, i had bought a pasta machine few years back and i think i have only used them twice :-(((
happy cook: Probably, I seldom use it too, he..he.
I love this.....
Thanks a million for the recipe Retno :)
ini masih ada gak?
*siap siap mau ke Harburg, hihihihihi*
Interesting looking fried noodle! So, how you eat this? Like a snack or like a noodle with dishes?
everything4sweets:you´re welcome!
sefa: wah telaaat...dah habis, btw aku tinggal di Finkenwerder lho nggak di Harburg :))
little corner of mine: we eat this just like snacks.
dah dari kapan gitu aku kepikiran mau bikin ini. tapi gk sempet juga krn rada ribet yah Ret.
dwiana p: nggak ribet koq Dwi, asal pake noodle machine lebih cepet.
pengen nyuba juga..tapi males ngulenine :) ada mesin pasta jg sih :)
oh gosh. Those chips are a real twist to others. Nice idea!
aku jg gak punya pasta maker Ret, sengsara nih gak bisa bikin yg kayak gini :)
a.g: aku juga suka males/nggak kuat nguleni jadi pake mixer yg spiral dulu, baru diterusin pake tangan :)
daphne: do you want some? ^_^
eliza: ya wis...pandangi aja gambarnya..he..he.
ini aku mau bikin mbak...hihihhi, kemaren baru bikin versinya Widya Hidayat...sekarang versi mbak Retno, aku penggemar cemilan yang kayak gini..hahahaha thankss ya mbak
elsye: He..he, aku malah belum bikin yang versi cheese sticknya. Soale waktu belum beli alatnya, sempet dikirimi temen, yang satu ngasih cheese stick, temen yang satu lagi ngasih versi lain yang pake bawang. Anak2 ku lebih suka yg pake bawang, makanya yg ini dulu yg aku coba..:))
Walaupun dibikin versi dua2nya juga pasti ludesss...camilan kayak gini, susah nyetop makannya.
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