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Kolak Pisang/Sweet Plantains in Coconut milk
Plantains/Banana plantains or Pisang Tanduk are very close relative of banana.
The fruit looks exactly like normal banana but longer, larger and often cooked before eaten. It´s highly nutritious, good source of potassium, vit A, C and energy booster. Use plantains with yellow or black skin. In this stage, it would become ripe. Plantain is cooked in various ways ( boiled, fried etc), served as a side dish, snacks or as a dessert.
4 banana plantains
1 can palm´s seeds (without water)
350 g gula jawa/palm sugar
400 ml coconut milk
400 ml water
1 cinnamon stick (4cm)
directions: peel and cut the plantains into small rounds. Boil water with palm sugar and then sift. Pour in the palm sugar syrup in a sauce pan together with banana plantains. Add coconut milk and cinnamon stick. Bring to boil and let simmer for about 10 - 15 minutes.
wow ada pisang tanduk di german ya...nikmat banget tuh buat kolak. di au susah nyari kayak gitu mbak.
(yay I'm the first....^_^)
This must be a lovely dessert. BUt do I need the ripe plantains for it? Or do you think the normal green one is ok to use? Thanks!
You can't go wrong with palm sugar and coconut milk syrup! Yummy!
rita bellnad: Bener Rit, untuk kolak emang paling sip klo pake pisang tanduk.
anh: Thanks Anh, I´ve added that I used the ripe plantains.
little corner of mine:Yuupps,Ching. I like combination of coconut milk and palm sugar for dessert.
duh mau dunk mba kolak pisangnya bener bener bikin ngences nih ^_^ makin canggih moto nih mba Retno cantik deh hasilnya ;)
maap dapur tutup dulu sementara ada kesibukan baru, i will be back soon :D
Yum! I haven't had palm seeds for a long time, and the combination sounds wonderful!
Lia: sukses deh buat cateringnya ya.
east meets west kitchen: Maybe, You can find Palm´s seed in Asia Store.
wow,looks so yummy, with kolang kaling,thanks for the recipe.
Retno..suer deh..kaget ada resep kolek haaaa. Soalnya tadi malam baru ajaaaa aku buat kolak. Gara gara nemu pisang uli tuh. Foto nya cantik banget...
ooo.. can i use normal bananas?
The palm seeds are tempting me. They are my favorite in any dessert. :)
everything4sweet: you´re welcome
restomariena: Iya nih sehati sama2 bikin kolak, cuman kolakku ini bikinnya udah 2 minggu hi..hi.
daphne: of course you can use normal banana, is softer than plantains.
Tigerfish: Yupppss, I like to put in dessert too, especially cold dessert.
kemaren akunjuga habis bikin kolak komplit.. syuuger :D
tapi pisangnya ga pisang tanduk
a.g:Iya nih, kolak kesenengan anakku yg gede, aku juga doyan banget, kebetulan aja dapet pisang tanduk.
ini kolak bikin aku pengen...........!! ada beberapa org bikin kolak, duh asli nih jadi kepengen.
Looks so yummy.
wah, aku baru tau,mba... kalo palm seed itu kolang-kaling... hehehe..
tapi kalo gak ada pisang tanduk, bisa kan ya aku ganti dengan ubi... karena di supermarkt Asia aku belum nemu harta karun bernama pisang tanduk (tapi gak tau juga kalo ownernya sempet 'mampir' ke Kedai Hamburg n liat resep ini trus dia langsung jualan pisang tanduk...hahaha)
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