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KBB#4: Chocolate Meringues
My entry for KBB #4 challange: Chocolate Swirl Meringues
Source: Taste Makes 6 (big portion), 10 (small portion). Ingredients:4 egg whites
225 g castor sugar (me: only 150 g. It´s too sweet)
1 teaspoon cornflour (me: 2 tablespoons)
1 rounded tablespoon cocoa powder
thickened cream to serve
Preheat oven to 150°C fanbake. Line a baking try with baking paper. Put the egg whites and castor sugar in a large heatproof bowl and sit over a pan of simmering water. Don´t let the bottom of the bowl touch the water or the egg whites will scramble. Stir with a wooden spoon until the sugas has completely dissolved and the mixture is quite hot to touch, then immediately remove from the heat.
Wisk egg white mixture using a hand-held electric beater for about 10-15 minutes until very thick, white and glossy. Mix in the cornflour. Sieve in the cocoa powder and using a large metal spoon, very lightly fold into the meringue using 2-3 strokes. Don´t mixed it thoroughly .
Spoon the mixture (you can pipe it with the piping bag, if you wish-ab) onto the prepared baking sheets in 6 large spoonfulls, making each one as peaky as possible (don´t have to do this when you want to make 10 meringues-ab). I made 16 small meringues. Put the baking tray in the oven, reduce the temperature to 120°C and cook for 1 hour 15 minutes. In practice, I need almost 2 hours. Turn off the oven and leave the meringues inside until completely cold. Served with thickened cream. Uppss... Sorry, I don´t have it in my kitchen, so I served my meringues with a cup of coffee. The result of my meringues is too dark. Perhaps, overbaked or chocolate powder mixed well...hmmm...what do you think ?.
I thought the donut looking shape meringues look very good and tasty!
Yumm,Yumm looks so delicious!!!
waktu baca emailnya mbak retno, pas gulanya dikurangin 150 gr, akhirnya aku ganti sekalian pakek icing sugar, 200 gr. lumayan klo dimakan sama cream pas gitu (^_^)
anyway sukses mbak ya sama challengenya !
mbak retno, asikk udah jadi juga..:D..keliatnan krispi ;D Suksess mbak...:D salam mereng
looks like caramel meringue Ret :D
wihkliatan enak dimakan bareng teh panas ataukopi pahit... yum!!
makasih udah komitmen dan posting tepat waktu ya, retno!
well done for your first task!
hmmm... ini ide baru, ntar cobain ah makan pake kopi, minuman ksukaanku, kopi susu tanpa gula, hmmm...
Nice afternoon snack with coffee :D
Sukses, Mbak!
Bentuknya yg mirip donat bikin unik.
little corner of mine, everything4sweets : Thanks. It´s really crispy and sweet, though I´ve reduced the amount of sugar.
rita bellnad: Udah dikurangi segitu juga masih manis banget Rit, udah gitu anakku nggak doyan :(
elsye: aku cuman nyoba bikin sekali aja, tadinya mau berkreasi lagi..tapi anakku yg gede bilang nggak usah bikin lagi, lha nanti ibunya yg bingung ngabisin tuh mereng..he..he.
eliza: qi..qi...keliatan gosong yaaaa, nggak pahit koq..masih muanissss biangettt.
arfi binsted: Makasih ya, ditunggu tantangan berikutnya :))
Mae: si Meringue udah manis banget soalnya, kalo ditemenin sama teh atau kopi manis ntar mblenger, he..he.
Tigerfish: pick some!
sheila: nggak niat bikin bentuk donut sih tadinya...asal aja :))
I thought they were donuts =) the chocolate swirl sounds soo good.
As usuall - hasil karya mba Retno pasti TOP abeeeessss ^_^
Aduh menggiurkan nian Mba..
Bagus kog Ret,
coklat karena ngaduknya kebanyakan.
Cukup 3 x nanti bubuknya akan nyerap kog.
daphne: yea..donut´s shape, just by accident. Thanks.
widya hidayat: Bagusan punyamu Wid, kereeen abis, punyaku coklatnya nyampur:)
andrieanne: wuaaa..malu ah sama anne, meringue punyamu jauh lebih cantik.
Mrs. Baasje: Iya nih ellen, aku ngaduknya kebanyakan, cuman bikin sekali thok, mau ngulang lagi udah nggak mood.
kepingin nyomot satu mbak... walopun coklat tapi malah ngegemesin.
ikutan KKB ya mbak... maringuesnya ketok kempling mbak hihi... :D
ine sena: coklatnya kecampur, punya ine lebih cantik:))
a.g: kempling digosok teruusss, he..he becanda, ketok kempling kena sinar matahari :))
Keren habis mbak...happy backing deh...salam.
Lia: ahh...swirlku jadi donat..he..he, punya Lia yg keren dan cantik banget meringuenya.
Hi retno...thx udah mampir..btw aku pki camera biasa aja saku..punya panasonic...hbs aku khan gak hobbi potografie..gak tahu gimana cara photo yg baik..he he he..gatek aku ini...hiks.salam kenal ya...
mba retno.. merengnya asik niih.. :D, berasa deh kriuk-kriuk-nya. Fotonya juga keren :)
salam kenal juga mba
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