This is the first time, I cook Bakmoy (direct translation means Pork Porridge). Because I don´t eat Pork, substituted with chicken instead. After searching in internet, I decided to use my friend recipe at unser imbiss with slighly modification. Hmmm... Bakmoy is Indonesian Chinese dish, so that I could join Mochachocolata Rita´s chinese take out party for celebrating her 88th post.

for chicken soup/chicken stock:
1 chicken thigh leg
1,5 l water
2 cm ginger, bruised
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 - 1/2 tsp white pepper powder, salt
for shrimp balls:
250 g shrimps without shells, minced
2 tbsp all purpose flour, 2 tbsp tapioca flour
1 white egg, lighly beaten
1/5 tsp ground white pepper1 clove garlic, crushed
salt, cooking oil for deep fry
for stir fry chicken:300 g breast chicken, cut into pieces
1/4 tsp ground white pepper
2 tbsp soya sauce
2 tbsp sweet soya sauce
2 cloves garlic, bruised and chopped
1 onion, finely sliced
2 tbsp cooking oil
Sambal Petis/shrimp paste to grind: 4 bird´s eye chillies, 1/2 tsp black shrimp paste(petis udang), 3 cloves garlic - finely sliced then fried. Add 4 tbsp sweet soya sauce for garnish: 1 spring onion, sliced finely and fried shallots.
to serve: steamed rice, krupuk, sambal petis, boiled eggs

for shrimp balls: combine minced shrimps, spices, flour and white egg in a bowl. Roll rounded teaspoons of mixture into balls. Heat oil in a sauce pan then fry shrimp balls until golden.
for chicken stock: bring the water and the chicken thigh leg to a boil in large saucepan. Add ginger, garlic powder, ground white pepper and salt to taste. Reduce heat, simmer for about 4 minutes.
for stir fry chicken: heat 2 tablespoons oil in large saucepan, cook onion and garlic, stirring until onion softens and fragrant. Stir in chicken pieces. Add ground white pepper, soya sauce and sweet soya sauce, cook, stirring until the chicken changed in colour.
Serve with steam rice, sambal, boiled eggs and krupuk (see the picture above)
mbakkkk wiiuhhh kayakna enak bangetttt...*ngeces.com*...fotonya juga sippp aku suka deh keliatan bersih banegt
wuadoh mBa, pagi² maen kesini ehh bakmoy suguhan. cocok buat dirikuw yg blom sarapan.
setuju ama Elsye, fotonya jernih
elsye, mindy: makasih yaaaa, selamat menikmati bakmoynya :)
Retno, seneng ketemu di ruang blogmu, aku anis itt'81.lihat foto2 masakanmu cakep juga.apa hasil masakanmu sendiri??Jawab lagi ya, komentarku. Cium dari jauh, dari gandul cinere.wass. annismade
Sorry ret, tadi aku kirim komentar pake blog anakku yang kecil, kls 1 SMPN 85 Pondok Labu Jaksel.Ok. C U
to anis: Lhaaa..abis mau minta dimasakin siapa lagi, ya masak sendiri, moto sendiri, dimaem dewe :). Salam juga buat made dan anak-anak ya.
mba Retno, photo dan makannya bikin ngiler. Makan ini nostalgia masa kecil di bandung, kapan2 di copy yah resepnya.
Podo jeng,aku juga nggak makan pork
Bakmoy-ne pasti enak ki ...
Looks delicious and I like your presentation! Can't wait to see the round up on the 12th.
Stunning photos Retno! Bakmoy sounds pretty interesting too, a great weekend dish if you'll ask me.
mmmmm I am not of fan of porridge but I don't mine having yours at all. They look so well presented and delicous.
chenmarlin: monggo dicobain, aku juga baru pertamakali nih bikin ini :)
judith: ayo dicicipi jeng
little corner of mine:he..he, can´t wait for the lucky draw!
Lore, I cook4fun: thanks
wah syegerrrr......
ayin: seger lagi klo abis itu minum es campur atau kopyor...qi..qi.
What a complete platter for the moy :D
ya ampun kumplit bener mba jadi mendadak lafer :P
tigerfish: do you want some? ^_^
Lia:yukk makan sama-sama :)
sedapnya. I usually just buy the frozen shrimp balls coz im l.a.z.y. lol.
Waaahh, menunya lengkap banget. Pengen nyontek ah kapan2. Tapi gak punya petis nih, Mbak. Untung minggu depan pulkam. Jadi bisa aku masukin ke daftar list yg harus dibeli :D.
salt&turmeric: Have a try, it´s easy.
sheila: duhhh...asyieknya yang mau mudik :)
wah.. mbak.. asik banget ini....
liatnya aja udah bikin ngiler...
kapan2 dicoba ya resep nya mbak..
margarets: monggo....ini juga nyobain resep temen. Moga-moga sesuai selera:)
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