My second challenge for KBB#5, since I´ve joined Indonesian Baking Club (KBB). I bought only 3 mini tart tins with diameter about 12 cm, so I made only a half of the recipe below. I don´t have any problem to make the pastry. When I started to make filling, upppsss......I had no brown sugar in my kitchen. Hmm...the filling should to be brown, caramel of white sugar can help to get similar colour. Yessss..... I get it and taste good but still too sweet for me!

(source: Foodtown Magazine, October-November; Cuisine Magazine, November 2002 with adjustments of pastry making and filling)
300 g flour, 150 g unsalted butter, diced,
5 tbsp sugar, 2 egg yolks, 3 tbsp cold waterFilling:
75 g butter, 50 g brown sugar(I substituted with 4 tbsp sugar, caramelized), 3 tbsp milk, 300 g sweetened condensed milk, 2 firm bananas, 300 ml cream, 1/2-1 cup white chocolate curls or grated white chocolate.
Step by step How to make Banoffee Pies
Pastry: combine the flour, butter and sugar in the food processor and process until well mixed. Then mix in the egg youls and process in small bursts until the mixture appears crumbly. Add the water a little at a time. As the crumbs get larger, turn the motor off and check that the pastry will come together when pressed between your fingers. Turn the mixture on to a clean board and work very gently into a ball. Refrigerate for 30 minutes ( me: 1 hour).
Roll out the dought to line 20-22 cm flan or loose bottomed tart tin, prick the base of the pastry with fork several times. Set aside for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line the base of the pastry with baking paper and beans, bake blind for 12-15 minuter or until the pastry turns golden brown. Remove the paper and beans. Return the pastry base into the oven for 5 minuter (me: 10 minutes) or until hte base becomes dry.
Filling:Place the butter and sugar in a non-stick pan and heat gently until the butter melts and the sugar dissolves. Bring to he boil and simmer for one minute, stirring continuously using a wooden spoon. Remove from the heat and add the milk and condensed milk. Return to the heat and bring to the boil. Allow to gently bubble for 4-5 minutes, strirring continuously until the mixture thickens and turn a light golden brown. Cool slightly.
Cut the bananas and put them on the base of the pastry. Pour in the caramel mixture. Leave to cool then chill for at least 2 hours. Serve topped with the whipped cream, spooned or spread over the caramel, and grated chocolate. Makes 4-6

waaaa cantik banopi nyaa...loyangnya baru beli ya mbak :D...
seger juga ya dikasih buah2an diatasnya..:D...
tooosss.. sama² pake mini pie mold. cakep hasilnya mBa.
oh! that looks really pretty!!
yummmm........ asyik bener nih pie. ini hari dah dateline nya kbb yah banyak yg posting.
Retno, itu cetakan lucu. saya gk ada yg kecil gitu adanya yg gede.
cantik sekali kombinasi warnanya.
mbak retno, kyknya enak bgt dikasih buah gituhh yaaa ... jadi ada seger2nya ... cantikkk banopi-nya :)
woooww... cantik banget mba.. kebayang deh segernya .. ck.ck..ck hebat ko tie ga kebayang yah pake buah :)
good job, retno!
elsye, mindy, daphne, dwiana, chenmarlin, bunda Nadine, Tie, Arfi: Thanks to you all for nice comments:)
Iya cantik, warna karamelnya juga cantik Mba..;-)
iya kayaknya seger deh tuh pake buah-buahan. Aku sih nyoba pake stlobeli, mayan seger juga.
muncul juga pie mu Ret! cantik!
Yummy nih pie-nya Mbak Retno...Cakep deh pake buah...
well done! :D
sama mbak, ini juga tantangan keduaku, suksea yaaaa banopinya cuantek buangets !
cantik euy
Naksir Kiwi and Jeruk Mandarin nya mbaaaa... Seger banget :)
banowatinya dimungilin biar sekali embat abis...
Lovely! I want!
andrieanne, dita, eliza, putu rea, Mae, ezza, widya hidayat, Little corner of mine: Thank you!
mrs. Baasye: Iya ellen, sekali emplok abis, yang kecilnya itu aku pake cetakan bolu kukus, lha wong cetakan mini pienya cuman beli 3 biji.
Cantik banget pienya..
Salam KBB ya..
wah uenak banget neh kayane mba...tapi aku pasti bakalan korting buah diganti coklat wahahaha (maklum nih ms. ga sehat)
atiek: Makasih ya, banopi punya atiek juga keren.
mochachocolata Rita: waaaa..penggemar coklat ya, bojoku malah minta ditambah buah yg banyak soale muanisss banget. Cepet sembuh ya Rit.
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