
125 g self raising flour, 300 ml milk, 50 g butter- melted, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt
Makes about 9 pancakes
Homemade Pineapple Jam recipe here
directions: Sift flour into a bowl. Add salt, sugar, eggs and melted butter. Mix until batter free of all lumps. Pour into milk, gradually, stir until it´s just blend together, sift the batter if necessary. Heat a frying pan or skillet with diameter about 22 cm over medium heat. Add a little bit oil to the frying pan or skillet. Cook until brown on both sides.

mBaaaa.. sama'an posting recipe remix hari ini. wollen wir zusammen frühstücken? ;)
kekekek..mbakk...crepes emang gampang, seger pula kalo dikasih selai nanass...*jadi pengen makan..:P*
I love panckaes with any sweet filling.
Love the pineapple jam too, it reminds me of home
mindy: siiippp lah, aku tunggu di Hamburg ya, jauh euy terbang ke caracas..he..he.
elsye: Hi..hi, ikutan dikau. Sekalian memanfaatkan my homemade Pineapple Jam :)
Happy Cook: My kids prefer to eat them with salami instead of pineapple jam:)
Wonderful job! Thanks so much for your entry :-)
waaaaaaa... kita samaan Mbak milih logonya :))
sehati nih *winkwink*
Well presented and looks so yummy! What a creative way to serve pineapple jam.
Robin: my pleasure:)
sefa: siiip :)
Little Corner of Mine: Thank you for the compliment :)
Perfect! They look beautiful too :)
what a beautiful pancakes. I just love the idea of eating it with pineapple jam.
tigerfish, I cook4fun: Thank you :)
nyanun deh liat nih pancakes pake selai nanas. Nti beli di Indo ach selai nanas, soalnya kalo buat sendiri hrs tunggu beberapa bulan lg, sekalian bikin nastar natalan.
Mbak Retno, maaf ya aku jarang mampiran nih, soalnya lg sibuk packing juga lg sakit.
retno, tht looks like crepes. I like! i will definitely try to make this. Thanks for sharing the recipe. ;)
mmmmmm keseringan mampir kesini jadi laperrrr euy. fotona Retno tambah mantep. great shot!
Salam kenal, Mbak Retno..
Aku mau coba nih resepnya.. Looks yummy! Kalo' sukses, boleh minta ijin posting resepnya Mbak di Facebook aku nggak?
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