My second entry (Baking) for KBB (Indonesian Baking Club)´s 1st birthday with the thema: Warna-War
first layer (Cake): 3 eggs, 125 g all purpose flour, 125 g butter, 125 g sugar, 1 tablespoon baking powder
second layer (sour cream): 400 g sour cream/schmand, 500 ml milk, 40 g maizena/corn flour/speise starke, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon vanilie sugar
third layer(fruit and agar-agar): 1 can Pfirsiche/Peach (drain the water and keep it about 250 ml), 1 kiwi, 1 sachet agar-agar, 300 ml apple juice
Whooooaaa...look at that spills
"bocorrr...biasanya aku pake tortenguss yang langsung mengental, kali ini coba-coba pake agar-agar, untung masih ada yang terselamatkan dengan menuangkan agar-agar sesendok demi sesendok :)"
directions:"bocorrr...biasanya aku pake tortenguss yang langsung mengental, kali ini coba-coba pake agar-agar, untung masih ada yang terselamatkan dengan menuangkan agar-agar sesendok demi sesendok :)"
first layer (cake):Put eggs and sugar into a bowl of electric mixer, beat on high speed for about 10 minutes until mixture thick and creamy. Add butter, continue beating until just combined. Sift dry ingredients (flour and baking powder) over the mixture. Stir with spatula or beat with low speed until all ingredients are thoroughly combined. Preheat oven to 180 °C. Pour mixture into a greased deep 26 cm round cake tin; line base with baking paper. Bake in oven for about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, make second layer.
second layer (sour cream): combine sugar, vanilie and maizena in sauce pan. Add milk, blend until smooth, stir over heat until mixture boils and thickens. Remove from heat, stir in schmand/sour cream. Spread sour cream mixture evenly onto cake. Bake again for about 10 minutes. Let it cool.
third layer (fruit and agar-agar): decorate with peach and kiwi. Combine agar-agar and juice, stir over heat until boiling. Pour into fruit, spoon by spoon.
Oh la la that cake looks super delicious.
Wow you have put a lot of work in making it.
Still the end result is really worth the work.
Nah yg ini absolutely warna warni!! oh beautiful arrangement juga fruitsnya.
Selamat berlebaran yah mbak. moga tambah sukses and bahagia selalu.
hemm..cantiknya...pasti dech yummy ..^_^..
Met Idul Fitri yach
whoaa...cantik n rapi bgt lho..
nyontek resepnya yaa..
Selamat Hari Raya, mba, photohya cantik sekali.
Ooohhh mantep banget Mba, seger niannn...Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin, Mba Retno..:-)
nice pic.. nice cake too :) jd pgn nyubain
Met Idul Fitri juga ya
Mbak Retnooo, cake-nya keliatan seger. Cakep, mbak.
Oya, aku mau tanya. Kalo buah2annya itu pake buah segar, tahan berapa lama ya kalo disiram agar2? Kira2 2 hari masih keliatan segar nggak ya buahnya? Makasih ya, Mbak.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri to you and family Retno.
ngiler, bayangin sour cream &buah22 nyum..
met lebaran ya mbak
minal aidzin walfaidzin
meuni kinclong toppingnya hehehe
Eid-ul-Fitr Mubarak to you dear Retno!
Thanks for sharing your Ramadan favorites with us:)
Thats a gorgeous cake:)
met lebaran ya mbaaa mau dunk cakenya hehe
It looks like a sweet cake to me :)
Sekali lagi Met Hari Raya Idul Fitri ya Jeng Hajjah, Maaf Lahir Bathi :D
Pokok e kapan2 aku nyontek dweh resep e iki, tapi sehalaman blog harus tak translate dulu ke boso DE. Kadang2 mbah gugel pikun je, lamaaa banget aksesnya..
Lho?? kok bathi? salah ketik Jeng ...*Bathin maksudku :D
aku suka nih kue yg kayak gini, mamaku suka bikin dulu, tapi aku gak? hahahha....
Selamat lebaran ya Mbak Retno, maaf lahir batin.
Ini kue cantik bangetttttttttt.Perlu di contek tuk natalan nih heee. Makasih ya Mbak..
Hello Retno
My first time leaving a comment on your blog.
Your fruit cake looks so good. Just like a professional job.
Love it! Simply delightful.
congrats ! Fruit cakenya top banget!
whadooh.... congrats yha.... tampilannya mewakili rasanya dweh... pasti yum yum
No wonder, deh bikinnya susah hasilnya muantep, selamet ya :)
Selamat Mba Retno, jd pemenang..melihatnya saja langsung pengen ke dapur..pgn bikin juga hahaha..:-)
mbak Ret, selamat ya. Cakenya keliatan suger bener dan cantek.
selamat mbak..!!
ngeliatnya jadi pengen maem..:)
Retno.. selamat ya, jadi juara nih...
Keren dan menggoda banget cakenya..
Mbak Retnoooo, selamat yaaa. Kreatip banget mbak :). Oya,sekalian mau bilang kalo aku pengen contek resepnya yaaa.
mbak retno, selamat yaa.... hebat deh, dapet 2 kategori sekaligus. *eh, bener pan yak*
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