My second entry (Baking) for KBB (Indonesian Baking Club)´s 1st birthday with the thema: Warna-Warni - Colourful. I use spiegeleikuchen recipe (see the recipe in Bahasa Indonesia here) with a bit modification. I also submit this entry for Food Photography contest.
When I was a kid, I love Candil and Kolak Pisang (sweet plaintains in coconut milk) for Iftar in Ramadhan-a month of obligatory daily fasting in Islam. In Ramadhan, our meal habits get different, without intake start from dawn and end with sunset.Dr. Haffejee suggest that in view of long hours fasting we should comsump slow digesting foods including fibre containing foods rather than fast digesting foods ( read more here).
In my home country, I used to buy Candil for Iftar as an appetizer or dessert. Since I´ve been here, I try to make by my own. Sweet Potato or Ubi Jalar is a good dietary fibre, source of vitamin A, B6, C and minerals. It can be prepared in variety of delicious dishes, as a main dish or as a dessert, cooked savoury or sweet. I prefer the sweet one :). This is my entry for Joy from Fasting to Feasting hosted byKitchenflavours´ Lubna Karim and Yasmeen.
Thema of KBB#7 (Indonesian Baking Club) : Warna Warni-Colourful to celebrate KBB´s 1st anniversary. With this special thema, the hosts of KBB (mbak Arfi and Dewi Oni) ask us to join cooking, baking and photography competions. Actually, I´m still not in the mood to cook after 1 month summer holiday without cooking :). Now, back to the real world. I really have to push my self to cook something so that I can participate KBB´s first birthday. Happy Birthday KBB !
Hi...everybody. It´s such a long time I don´t post any recipes after holiday. I posted this recipe in Bahasa Indonesia here. I´ll post the recipe in english version later if you need :)